Does this mean Danica has to start in the rear?

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

Damn the car is wrecked before it even makes it to the track.

updated by @stars-radio: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Man what captions I could stick on this

Max Plummer
13 years ago
89 posts

Juan Pablo is moonlighting?

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Didn't know Sam Hornish drove 18 wheelers on the side!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Just getting nosy wasnt he??? im going to leave this alone before i get bushwhacked

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

J UST TO CLARIFY THE AIR around the back door

Reports v i a Tw i tter are i nd i cat i ng that Dan i ca Patr i ck 's merchand i se hauler was i nvolved i n a wreck Thursday afternoon on I nterstate 80. The hauler was presumably en route to Pocono for th i s weekend's race, even though Patr i ck i s not part i c i pat i ng.

The f i rst reports of a wreck i nvolv i ng Patr i ck's hauler began surfac i ng at about 6pm ET Thursday n i ght, w i th Tw i tter users report i ng the wreck. ( The hauler, obv i ously, i s hard to m i ss.) The above p i cture began c i rculat i ng around m i d-morn i ng Fr i day v i a SB Nat i on's Jeff Gluck .

Two po i nts: th i s i s her merchand i se hauler, not the one wh i ch holds her race cars. Second, as we don't know the cause of the wreck or the extent of any i njur i es, we'll refra i n from mak i ng any jokes. (Yes, yes, we know the obv i ous ones. St i ll, s i t t i ght.)

bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

The Pa. state police said this happened due to construction traffic at mile marker # 54 near Knox, Pa. on I-80. The Go Daddy rig was driven by a 33 yr. old male from Collingsville, Va. and the other truck was driven by a 45 yr. old male from Vandergriff, Pa. Both drivers and a 25 yr. old female passenger from Martinsville, Va, in the Go Daddy truck were treated for moderate to minor injuries.

I am thankful there were no serious injuries and cant wait to hear JM's comments as he has a wonderful sense of humor and a quick wit, lol.

There were no other trucks in the merchandise convoy involved as they all were 5 miles ahead.

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

The shiny hiny on those car haulers have really attracted the Pa driver. Was there a logo decal on the rear advertising Ga Daddy?? They are riskea to say the least,but he may have been getting closer for a better View?? But as the response above shows maybe the co-pilot in the Daddy-Go truck may have distracted him?

O-Dear she got you again