Resurgence of Racing Stripes on Car Paint Schemes

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Anyone else noticed the sudden resurgence of racing stripes on NASCAR Cup cars this year.

They disappeared for a long time.

Some of my favorite looking cars were always those pretty plain white Pontiacs, Chevys and Dodges of Ray Fox with his red #3 and red racing stripe motif.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 09/24/19 04:00:57PM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

And, of course, Junior Johnson borrowed liberally from the Ray Fox scheme for the 1971 Monte Carlo he built owned by Richard Howard that Charging Charlie Glotzbach drove to the 1971 World 600 pole, bringing a competitive Chevy back to NASCAR and filling the Charlotte grandstands.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

A couple of current examples of what I'm talking about. How many other 2012 cars have carried stripes??

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
13 years ago
4,073 posts

Going back just a few short years, Petty Enterprises reprised the use of offset racing stripes. Kyle's Petty Blue Dodge had them in the 2006 season-ender at Homestead.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Bobby Williamson
13 years ago
907 posts

Dave, my dad's first race car, a '55 chevy that was 'built' in 1964 had a racing stripe. As you mention, the stripes were popular during that era, and we painted a wide, offset, white one on the old chevy, mainly to cover a patch of burned-through roof paint (a result of roll bar welding). Although it was metallic green, our car's street paint job was pretty good, so good, we chose to just keep the car as it sense in painting it. So, our racing stripe provided both a fashion and functional statement. Later that year, our car was painted white and a classic red 3-stripe (too skinny and one wide-in-the-middle) was added. I remember them well, but honestly, I never was a big fan of the stripes.

bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Must have been as stated " A thing of that era" I had a 57 chevy from 1969 to 1972 and it was Carolina blue with a wide white stripe down the center of the car. It was about 12 inches wide with 2 smaller stripes on either side. The center stripe was shaped like an arrow head on the hood to point me in the correct direction since I spent a lot of time spinning around in those days. lol

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,138 posts

Bill, maybe you can patent the "pointer stripe!"

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

lol....I knew it would take a crew chief to point out my directional inability. Maybe I should have changed my number to 360. hehe