Restoration Article prompted by PattyKay

13 years ago
167 posts

I have hesitated to post this on this site because it is not a race car restoration, but Patty's article about Billy Bisco really got my attention and she invited me to post something, so here it is.

I have been working on this 1930 panel Delivery truck for almost seven years now, ever since I entered a wide bed pick up into a MARC National event in 2005. The Model A Restorers Club (MARC) holds a competition each year. It is an International event, always in the US and usually in a different state each year, and the rule book is about 2" thick.They get most entries from the US of cource, but some will show up from Canada with an occassional entry from Britain, Australia or New Zealand. They are VERY oriented toward authenticity, down to matching the cross hatch marks on the lockwashers and the correct ejection pin marks on the heads of original bolts. A completely different approach from stock cars, but I grew to be quite interested because of the difficulty.

The MARC meet was in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and we followed that with an event held by another NATIONAL MOdel A car club, MAFCA (the Model a Ford Club of America) that was only one week later in Marquette, Michigan.

At Oshkosh we had 14 out of 23 segments of the judging standards with perfect scores. We ended up with 491 out of 500 points ganering us the coveted 'Henry Ford" award. By getting more than 400 points we got the MARC of Excellence award and because it was a commercial vehicle we received the Raymond Matthews award. It was all the 'stuff' you can get at the MARC meets. They have only had 6 entries over 490 points from over 7200 entries.

We spent two days at a new friends house on the southern shore of Lake Superior, updating some of the issues we learned about in Oshkosh, before heading to the MAFCA event in Marquette. On the morning of their impounding the cars in the judging dome, we could not find the keys and in the ensuing commotion, I misprinted the buid date on the trucks windshield and that cost me severely. When it was all over, I had received only 483 points due to my printing error. But I sioon figured out the problem and quickly asked the judges to review the score sheets with me and they/we determined that I lossed 11.4 points due to my mistake. Furthur review noted a 2.4 point judging error in the Undercarriage section. If I had been a little bit more alert, and the stars had been a litlle bit more in alignment I may have score 497 points.

Here is a link to a page on my website that chronicles some of the restorationprocess. The website has not been updated since my return, but will give an idea of what was involved.

this set of pages shows what I started with and if you click the center box, it will take you to the restoration pictures. I will be adding pictures from the meets in the next few days.

updated by @will-cronkrite: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,783 posts

Absolutely awesome!! Thanks for posting, Will!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
13 years ago
167 posts

Thanks you both for the kind words.

I have updated the website, adding some of the pictures from the Oshkosh meet. There are some photos of the people taking phots for a magazine article and they are some showing airplanes at the airport where the meet was being held.

I have added pages 9 and 10 to the restoration pages.

Would some one be so kind as to guide me thru the manner in which I can make the photos appear on the post?

I too, am becoming a fan of Billy's projects.