Madhouse II

Brian Janik
14 years ago
35 posts
Mr. Myers has a very valid point on age and health. During the first Madhouse Junior Miller hit a car that was parked on the inside of the track. His in car audio and cam said that car was in the middle of the track, By watching the in car cam it was easy to see JR. was in the WRONG. Seeing a Dr. for a pre race season physical is good practice, but age also has alot to do with driving reaction. A eye exam may be in order and a reflex test would not hurt as well. Jr.being stubborn is no substatute if ignorance when it comes to safety and the safety of the other drivers on the track. The fans would hate to see jr. go but the fans are not driving a 600HP rocket ship. It takes concentration, awarness, alertness, and very quick decession with quick reaction. Even Richard Petty knew when to stepped away from driving.During the Vintage weekend at Darlington drivers of all ages drive are on the track with cars that do have 600 plus hp. In the Darlington's drivers breifing you are told, if you hit, scrap, bump, tap the wall or another car you WILL park that car and will go directly to the track doctor NO EXCEPTIONS. It's a smart protection plan for everyone. I hope BG will follow in the footprint of Darlington.Burt did an excellent job repairing the carrier in his QC. Even when he refused his younger brother Randys setup help, he kept his cool. There is nothing wrong with learning from someone who know more than yourself (even if he is younger) it makes you a better person. Being close you would assume that pride would be set aside in the garage and the family union would pull togeather.I was amazed that someone would shell out $500 for four shocks when the problem could have been corrected for $ 000.00 and less than 3 min worth of proper adjustment. For me thats alot of money that could have more wisely used.All in all Madhouse II was an excellent segment and it showed the love of Mod. racing. These guys really work hard on a limited budget. with very tough family decission to make and a short time to get to Sat. night.
updated by @brian-janik: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts
Well done Mr. Janik although Burt's younger brother is Jason. I wish I was that young again. An open mind is always open to change.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,783 posts
So right about was pretty clear that his reaction was the cause of that wreck.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Brian Janik
14 years ago
35 posts
Sorry Jason,,,, Randy Myers said:
Well done Mr. Janik although Burt's younger brother is Jason. I wish I was that young again. An open mind is always open to change.
Brian Janik
14 years ago
35 posts
Maybe it is time to run a limited season and mentor a up and comming driver?? Most of these new drivers have talent and are finding it hard to get reconized. Jr would be a very good teacher. Jeff Gilder said:
So right about was pretty clear that his reaction was the cause of that wreck.
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts
this weekly show is kinda entertaining but from what i saw in the show was a little bit rich for the average "JOE" because those shops smelled money and the actions of some were just plain stupid on the track,but that aside the players were intense in the game of short track racing along with the fans.It had a lot of old school values in it along with a mix of modern color. I had to go back several times and relook at some segments of the show. If anyone is interested in seeing it in a slower atmosphere you can go to this link and watch the different shows or segiments more closely--- hope this helps and enjoy because this is what builds -------------memories