Pastor Ken Sharpe Racers Reunion Chaplain update

Ken Sharpe
15 years ago
88 posts

To all my friends of Racers Reunion, I am wanting to give a quick update. I will be ministering at New Day Church in High Point, NC on 02/03/10 (wednesday night) at 7PM. I will be holding a 3 day revival at a local church in High Point NC, in the next month to 6 weeks. The date is not set yet. I will keep all posted.

All of my Racers Reunion family are welcomed to attend these events. Email me for directions.

I will also be leading a team back to Jamaica, sometime late spring or early summer. This is a 8 day missions trip. I will be ministering and holding healing services there as well as at the above mentioned revival.

If you are a believer and would like to possibly make the Jamaican trip with us, please email me, for further discussion.

Pastor Ken Sharpe

Racers Reunion Chaplain

Flowing River Missions

Level Cross, NC


updated by @ken-sharpe: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM