13 years ago
117 posts

If you don't thing everyone had a great time on Saturday at Occoneechee these photos tell it all.Slick and Rex arrived early Sundaymorning for the Old Timers Banquet they decided

to get some extral shut eye.

updated by @laverne-zachary: 08/19/18 03:14:18AM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Terrific candid shots!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Dang party animals! You can pick 'em out in every croud.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
William Horrell
13 years ago
175 posts

The bottom picture of Slick and Rex remind me of the ''little doggy bobble head'' figurines that my dad used to have in the back window of his 51 Studebaker. Kinda, sorta.

Terrific picture Laverne.

Harlow Reynolds
13 years ago
214 posts

I would have paid for their motel room. Right?????????


Harlow Reynolds----Lynchburg,Va.

Harlow Reynolds
13 years ago
214 posts

Maybe next year Mike can do a hardship deal for motel rooms for these boys.

Did they have anything to eat???????????


Harlow Reynolds---Lynchburg,Va.

Gene Hobby
13 years ago
2 posts

Well, you'veheard the story'Sleeping Beauty' -here is a double dose. :D. Gene Hobby

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts


Robin L. Agner
13 years ago
169 posts

Rex said they were acting like they were asleep. I don't know if I believe that one or not. LOL

Mike Sykes
13 years ago
308 posts

Upon arrival I could hear a muffled noise but could not determine where it was coming from. This explains it though. And to answer the food question yes the had plenty to eat.