It's FLU Season All Over Again

Bobby Williamson
15 years ago
907 posts

Whew! That was close.......but the winning driver HAD the flu, and just in the nick of time to save the day.With turbulent timesengulfing NASCAR-land and the traditionalmedia it's such a relief thatthe one quintessentialhallmark of a NASCAR journalist has not been lost............the winner of any N-CAR eventHAS to be suffering from the flu, or be on Intravenous fluids (via the infield care center), or distracted bysome family tragedy (regardless of genetic distance)ornursinga broken limb suffered in some "pick-up" basketball game/golf cart race (at the "shop") . Apparently it's in the N-CAR rule book.............."The winner must be the victim of a host of travils, none that he can control......but all must be OVERCOME toultimately attain victory lane" ANDsuch travialia must beduely documeted by all credential toting journalists................"

The "Bud Demo Derby" can nowsuccessfully be chronicled into the archieves. All is perfect. The winner had the flu. And he "overcame" it...........after taking IV's at the infield care center.What a comfort knowing the sky has not totally fallen..... yet!.

updated by @bobby-williamson: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Well i`m not sure what all that mean`s but i can say i like it it sound`s good LOL
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
The next big boost will come if / when Danica announces she'll run the Daytona Nationwide race (today) , then when Dale Jr wins the 500....(Sunday), and when lil Brian steps down (next week). I love it when a well thought out plan falls into place.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Well i will say this i never thought i would but i`m starting to fill a little sorry for Nascar boy did ya`ll see them stand`s the outher night nobody was there hay i realy do hope it get`s better because of all the people that do work for raceing i realy realy do hope it pick`s up i will watch the Daytona 500 to see how Robbie Gordon dose but i sometime`s think that he realy don`t care maybe i just don`t under stand the raceing buss