Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts, I have just woken up!! LOL I just do not sleep this late!!

Went to doctor's appt. yesterday..then decided, I just didn't want to come back home..for a little while..anyway. Rode the Coastline...Ocean Isle..Sunset Beach..on over into Calabash to some friends' house.

WE dear friends..had OUR "unplanned" Christmas Party!! Chicken...then a few glasses of Pinot, listening to music...wound up in the "Beauty Shop" got my hair..trimmed and "DID"!

Simply TWO..amazing a row...Christmas with my fellow..."Goats" at the Rodeo ... then hanging out with the "Air Force Chicks" last night! God has certainly been good to me this year...oh, SO good!

Who ever knew...after going through a lot of rough times at the beginning, that I would finish off the year like this???

There is no Christmas Tree...decorations, or presents this year...not even a vehicle that I trust to drive any distance away from "home". The key word there, is HOME..and Holden home, so...what do I have to complain about there? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! LOL.

BUT, there are things that have not been in a long, laughter and....and excitement for the upcoming year and what it holds! I have been celebrating the right Spirit!! I am the only one who lives here (fulltime) LOL So you dear friends....ARE my company.

I AM....that "proverbial Red Neck Girl" who leaves her Christmas lights UP, on the Front Porch all year long! It is that "Springtime The Middle of December!!!"

You know...when God gives you back...after you think, you have lost your they just CAN'T out give God!!

Jeff, thank you for providing us all with a place of love and laughter! I could never repay you for all that RacersReunion has given me!
I have found and been able to stay in contact with (old and new) friends, family...who I know will be there any time, and any day.

I am coming into my "HAPPY PLACE" and it feels absolutely ....WONDERFUL!! So...with ALL that being said...THIS is my Christmas Card all of you...I love ya'll..and am here for YOU!

To my Children..Zak, Sara, Jeremy, Tony and Christopher....all I have ever wanted for you children was for you to be are grown now, and you have to find your "own". I can't do that for you, anymore.

But, NEVER FORGET!! That I will be there....every step of the way, encouraging I am your Momma...and that will be forever!!

I had NO idea, this was going to be this..LOL! But...when I begin...talking..I NEVER know...where God may lead me, nor the words He may have me say! I just speak from my heart! I shall continue being led....for that is how He got me here today....MAY I EVER....BE OBEDIENT!!

In the coming days...I shall be addressing some of you personally, on how you have impacted my life this year. Ya'll have given me one of my most "PRECIOUS, AND MEMORABLE" Christmas' ever!

You know...all those little dots...when I am writing? LOL Well.. I actually even asked God about those. The answer I are Southern...and that is your "drawl"...who knew?? LOL! Makes sense to me...

So...thank You, God for the gift of Your Son, Jesus....and thank You for family, friends ......and racin'....only You could have not put the love of all these things so deeply in my heart.....

~MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL~ I do so, love you....AND..Bless All Our Hearts!!


updated by @patsy-thompkins-keisler: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

What sweet thoughts.

BTW, you deserve to sleep late.

You have, however, encouraged my stomach to growl with the mention of Calabash. Very Unfair. If PK or any other RR members are unfamiliar with Calabash - the seafood restaurants and Calabash Shrimp, we shall have to clue them in.

That drive sounds like the kind of thing I like to do. Can't beat friends. Merry Christmas, Patsy.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Charles Ray Stocks
13 years ago
222 posts

merry christmas and happy new year to you patsy and god bless you and your family

JAck Redd
13 years ago
111 posts

And we are "BLESSED" by having you here. Have a Merry CHRISTmas "Red Neck Girl"!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

I love ya'll soooo much!!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Mama....I love the fact that I am still somebody's ~Baby Girl~ , and that you are my Mama. And I know, that you will be here for me. I can share my deepest, darkest secrets with you and know they are safe only to be used....for my well being. And who else is going to call wake me from a nap...all the way from Georgia to the North Carolina coast...but you, Mama? does feel good to have a Mama wake you up.....I LOVE YOU!!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Jimmy...what do I say, you have and continue to do things that just make me... smile. You surprise are there when I ask anything. I just love you so. I too, am looking forward to the upcoming year....Let's just see what we can get into!!! LOL

Bobby Williamson
13 years ago
907 posts

Merry Christmas, Patsy! I know, you know all the words to every Charlie Daniels, Tanya Tucker, and Ol' Bo-Cee-fuss song!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Thank you, Charles. Your friendship means alot to me....because you are a part of the legacy from which my Pop came from. You bring names to my mind that spark that love and zeal from days gone by....which I love and miss so much. And I will get those pics and clippings posted after the first of the thought I had forgotten that comment you made...didn't you? Not a chance, Buddy...I hope to bring some memories back for you as well....Much love, blessings and well wishes to your family as well!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Well....Dave, what can I say? You, dear sir...have filled my Tuesday nights with the joy of dancing again. I know I must seem like a pure t nut sometimes, but that is just me....being happy. Thank YOU!!! for all the fun and laughter you bring into my life! We race, laugh, dance and love hard!! You never cease to amaze me with your knowledge and history of our beloved sport!! I want to be first in line for that book...I know it HAS to be just has to! Please do not deprive my children and grandchildren of your wealth of knowledge and history....Okay? AND one last thing....PLEASE, thank Joyce for sharing you with me a couple of hours every Tuesday night!! She is a good wife....and IF and when you come towards Calabash or even in this neck of the woods..please let me know...what a joy that would be.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts Buddy. It was so funny....Mama was trying to teach me a few things...and she was is JAck....not, Jack...LOL I get it now...LOL I have loved every minute of getting to know you. It is such a comforting fact in knowing that I have friends out there I have never met face to face, but I could meet you today....and pick we have known each other for years....and yes...I am "YOUR" Red Neck you...Buddy!!

Mike Sykes
13 years ago
308 posts

Merry Christmas Patsy. Your words on this site help make my day a little brighter. So may the Lord take a liking to you but not too soon. Tammy and I have spent many a good supper time in Calabash, just a wonderful place to escape the Myrtle Beach crowd for a meal.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Thank you Mike, that means alot to me. You are pretty much...silent...and when there is silence..LOL I wonder ....what in the world, must they think of me...LOL Reassuring to me...And YES...I love me some Calabash as well. My brother, HB down on the Southside of Myrtle Beach, also loves coming up and we will meet at Ella's...good stuff!!

Mike Sykes
13 years ago
308 posts

I tend to stick my foot in my mouth so like my mom used to say, If you listen you will learn. While I do like to read the wit of others I prefer to read and listen to what others have to say.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Now....Bobby....WHAT IN THE WORLD...WOULD EVER MAKE YOU THINK SOMETHING LIKE THAT??? All jokes aside...Bobby, you have made me smile and laugh so many times this year. You had my heart from the get go when you mentioned my Pop on Thee Goat Rodeo...I think it was back during the summer. Just to hear someone other than me....say his name, well I just can't tell you how much that means to me. I have found someplace I can keep his legacy alive...I am the grave and beyond. LOL Maybe you could consult with the Reverend on that!! You make me much..and I have needed laughter more than anything else this year. So thank you....for that...and so glad you got those danged cat a rats taken care of....Love ya!!!! Mean it!!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Oh...Bo!! You know...I would make A's on everything...but I could not get above a C in Conduct!! I wasn't mean or anything...I just loved to talk, and talk...and talk some more...LOL And speaking of feet...I didn't get my Momma's pretty little dainty ones...oh, my Pop's and when I stick them in my mouth...oh, LORD there is a hear me? LOL!! ...stuck my foot in my mouth BIG TIME...first time at the Rodeo...LOL Poor Ray Lamm...LOL (hiding my head in shame)

Bobby Williamson
13 years ago
907 posts

Ella's of Calabash is my favorite too......and it has a 'racing' connection,as Ells's onwer,Keith Hardee, is brother of Billy Hardee, long-time owner of Myrtle Beach Speedway, and a racer himself.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

I didn't know that, Bobby! The things you teach me, Bopper!! Ain't no can buy `em!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

I have the utmost FAITH in you, Mama....LOL!!! Oh..what a ride it has been thus far!! And yeah...poor Ray...bless his heart!! And I remember the first thing I heard Rich say was...."I bout...fell of my stool!!!" LOL!! Remember, Mama...I spent days apologizing after that...LOL

13 years ago
622 posts

Happy Christmas to you and your family! / \ / \ / \ (Drummer Girl)! :)

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts


David Daniels
13 years ago
16 posts

Merry Christmas to you,Patsy.Our Lord is life, as life itselfis worth living to the fullest degree.Good for you!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Thank you so much for those words, David....words of encouragement....

ray lamm
13 years ago
214 posts

merry christmas and happy new year to sweet lady patsy

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

That is why I love you so much, Ray. You say SO much with few words....I love the way you address me.....(((((love)))))

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

I am still waiting for Jeff, and Rich to show up......

JAck Redd
13 years ago
111 posts

Speaking of Calabash, as Jimmy "Mr.Schnozzola"Durante would always end his shows and say, "Good Night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are"!

Rumors had that itcame from one of his stops in a restaurant in Calabash, N.C., owned by a Mrs. Lucille "Lucy" Coleman. He loved the food so much that he nicknamed his wife "Mrs. Calabash". He made that statement at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., in 1966.

"Inkka Dinka Doo"! lol

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

That my Dear true! The photos and story are hanging on the walls at Ella's in Calabash. If you ever get down this way....we shall have to make a stop there!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Thanks, JAck for recalling the connection. I don't recall Durante ever ending a show without those famous words.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"