You know the day will be interesting when...

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Decided to make the 1/2-mile or so drive over to my neighborhood Bi-Lo supermarket this morning to grab a few supplies before the various football games today and tonight.

There is one traffic light enroute and while stopped at the red light I spied a beautiful 1965 Ford headed toward the intersection. This beauty was all shiny and white and absolutely glowing as the morning sun reflected off that big ole windshield. Lawd, I'd almost forgotten how big those early-mid 60s full sized hunks of Detroit iron could be.

Though I'd never been a Ford fan, I was kinda smiling when I entered the grocery's parking lot. Just as I was pulling into a parking space, in front of me I spotted a 1962 Chevy II backing out.

While not in nearly as pristine condition as the big Ford, I took these two vehicle spottings as an omen that my Carolina Panthers would handily dispose of the New Orleans Saints today in that worn out dome down in the land of jazz and Cajun cooking! Further, with the second old vehicle to come into view, I figured the football gods would assist the Redskins of DC, Northern Virginia and Elmo Langley country to chase those hated Dallas Cowpokes back to the land of no trees and ever blowing winds where they belong!

Y'all watch and see how I do today using these two omens to place my wagers. Nah, I really don't bet.

Do you believe in omens or superstitions? Did you ever wear your lucky Ubatubas, special shirt, socks, bra or whatever to assure a win by your favorite driver? Just wondering.

Anyhow, it was sure fun to see two examples of 1960s Detroit engineering and marketing achievement today.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Good luck with your teams today Dave, BUT you will only get one of those wishes

I am not superstitious but with that said I only want the track pit bracelet put on my left arm and not to tight also. I have let them put it on the right wrist twice and wrecked both times, never again....

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Jimmy, I guess since they won't be around in the New Year to eat blackeyed peas, they just decided to let it all hang out and flaunt superstition.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Didnt some famous driver of years gone by have a pair of undershorts he always wore---something like superstition of the old???

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

The year that Dale won the CRC Chemicals Rebel 500 at Darlington for Bud Moore, he made me go back to the motel on qualifying day and change out of my green golf pants.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

You caught on real quick there Jimmy

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Good Lord, to be eating peanuts of any kind before Game Day...would not be good, in my opinion, if you know what I mean....

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Panthers 44

Saints 38

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Well, I see my reverse karma worked for Dave. I knew if I said one of his teams would lose they would both win. lol....I cant pick for s---......Congrats. Great game and that Redskins rookie running back is fun to watch...keeping with the racing theme, he is fast and has a high horse power motor...

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Thanks for your reverse karma, Bill. That running back was indeed fun to watch. I noted Joe Gibbs sitting next to the Skins' owner in their booth. A fun game. I'd love to send my youngest daughter, Stacey up to FedEx Field to see them play Dallas one year. She is a die hard Redskins fan. I have told on these pages about taking the Wood Brothers to the old Cowboys Stadium on Thanksgiving Day 1985 to see the Redskins. That was a really special day.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
JAck Redd
13 years ago
111 posts

Dave, you mentioned eating"blackeyed peas" on New Year Day for "Good Luck". I remembered that from when I was a kid and still do it. Heck, if I didn't have "Bad Luck" I wouldn't have any luck at all! LOL


HTTR "Hail To The Redskins" Hail victory, Braves on the warpath, fight to win the rest of journey to the "Super Bowl"!

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Black Eyed Peas and Rice?? YUM YUM good any time but its supposed to bring you untold good tidings in the new year

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

But not till Tuesday thats the DAY

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

We always ate stewed tomatoes with our black eyed peas growing up in Richmond. For many years, the Nashville Chapter of the Music City Cowboys used to send me a little pouch every holiday season with the fixin's for Hoppin John to prepare on New Year's Day.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"