Living Legends ofAuto Racing January 26, 2013 From: Dargan Watts
DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, Fla - On Sunday, February 17, things will kick off for five days of festivies during Speed Weeks at Daytona. The Living Legends of Auto Racing, a group of 600 lovers of auto racing will open the doors of the LLOAR Museum for visitors and for people who plan to participate in the 20th annual Beachside Parade to be held on Monday, February 18. The museum is open from 11a.m. until 4p.m. on Sunday for registration for the parade, but fans are encouraged to stop in and take a tour of the museum.
The museum is located in the Sunshine Park Mall, 2400 South Ridgewood Avenue in South Daytona.
On Monday from 9a.m until 11a.m.,registration and information pick-up will be at the Drive-In Church, located at 3140 South Atlantic Avenue in Daytona Beach Shores. All cars will be displayed until 1p.m. and the parade will start at that time. Cars and drivers will leave from the church at 1p.m. and head north on A1A to a vacant lot just north of the Winn-Dixie Supermarket where they will make a 180-degree turn and head back south to the church, where the cars will again be on display.
Several drivers from the past will be on hand during the day to meet and greet fans and spectators.
There is no fee for driving in the parade, but certain criteria must be met in order to participate.
For more info, contact Bob Coolidge (386-956-3465), Jack Anderson (321-432-3437). John West (386-290-4192) or Jim Spaulding (386-523-7913).

updated by @dargan-watts: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM