Hickory Motor Speedway photos

Tom Gillispie
12 years ago
2 posts
Good morning. Arcadia Publishing is doing a book with NASCAR's participation on Hickory Motor Speedway, and Arcadia has me finding photos for the book. I've found some wonderful HMS photos on RacersReunion, and I'd like to use some of them in the book.I also write auto-racing stories (mostly HMS) for the Hickory (NC) Daily Record, and I believe several people here have great stories. I'd like to write about them for the newspaper.I can be reached at nc3022@yahoo.com, tgilli52@gmail.com and 336-692-1063.Have a great day.Tom Gillispie
updated by @tom-gillispie: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,784 posts


You shouldapproachthe individual(s) who posted the photos to see if they have photo rights and get their permission. RacersReunion (unlike facebook) does not assume any photo rights of our contributors.

Sounds like a great project and we would love to assist in any way possible.


Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tom Gillispie
12 years ago
2 posts

Jeff, I realize that RacersReunion has no photo rights, and I'll approach them individually. But I need to get this out this way, too. Thanks for any help you can provide. Tom

Dennis Andrews
12 years ago
835 posts

Jeff, Help me understand photo rights in layman terms. Are you saying that when someone post a picture on facebook that the rights to that picture are then facebook's?