It seems as though the media and reporters are grasping for something here. Now they put two items together with a third ,was that the intent?? Or was it a pitch to draw more drooling eyes to their pages. I know this is known as the silly time of the year,kinda like going to the store hunting a new cap to wear, look at all the choices,going from blue and white,red and black and green and black. Which do you choose? With a number,a color scheme or a special name.
they use Daytona's name and true many are waiting patiently for the green flag and many many follow Jr because,well because he is Jr. B U T Danica ? I dont think she will do a photo shoot on the beach because thats not Nascar, OR WILL SHE
Time will only tell ,,,,,or will you???
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM