Praying for Daytona Grandstand Fans

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

Hope there are no serious injuries or worse.

Crappy job by Daytona crew of cleaning up Speedy Dry. Way too much dust. They should have taken more time to get track clean before restarting race.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

It was amazing and extremely gratifying to see Kyle Larson, thankfully, so quickly take down his window net. That snoutless car on the track prompted awful flashbacks to the Don MacTavish car in the same event.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Blane Moon
12 years ago
113 posts

Worst carI have seen at Daytona since MacTavish.......

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

The outcome of the event seems monumentally unimportant at times like these. I feel certain that fans and competitors around the world are praying for these injured spectators. At times like this you just want to join hands with all your fellow fans, shed your differences and band together for the common good.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Max Plummer
12 years ago
89 posts

Thank God, it was not a sell out.

Leon Phillips
12 years ago
626 posts

When i saw the 32 car i thought about Don Mactavish i think 1969

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

Yes, he did. Listening to NASCAR News Conference update with Joie Chitwood, III of ISC and Steve O'Donnell of NASCAR and all questions about injuries and fans'conditions are being deferred to Halifax Medical Center. They, of course, won't answer any media questions and NASCAR & ISC both know that. 14 fans were transported off premises according to Chitwood.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

From the Daytona Beach News-Journal On-line:

A Halifax Health Medical Center official confirmed just before 6 p.m. that 11 spectators are being treated in the hospital's emergency room and two of them are critically injured. Spokesman Byron Cogdell said all 11 were stable. Four of the patients were on trauma alert and five are being treated as non-trauma cases, the official said. Cogdell confirmed another patient was being treated at Halifax Health in Port Orange.

Lindsay Rew, spokeswoman for Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center, confirmed that one patient was being treated there and three more were on the way.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Max Plummer
12 years ago
89 posts

What a sick,,hopelessfeeling.

Charles Ray Stocks
12 years ago
222 posts

it is a sad pittiful situation my heart and prayers go out to all those that were injured and all their loved ones

Johnny Mallonee
12 years ago
3,259 posts

All the years I crawled into a racecar knowing full well my life was in the hands of a higher being i accepted that fact, I saw a few accidents that I wished I hadnt. And all the accidents were of fans,not drivers... Today I had a flashback to Don McTavishes wreck with the wall.

Enter todays racing and again I am reminded of Bobby Allison and his bout with the fence he tried to climb. I think this one is the scariest of all the wrecks Ive seen reguarding the fans.

My mind will be on them until all are out of and about, but what I hope this doesnt hurt our sport for attendance because without fans we will be back in the pasture running litterly for the pure fun of it.

Tim Leeming
12 years ago
3,119 posts

With the morning sun of this Sunday morning, it is time to start praying with THANK YOU on our lips that there was no one killed. We can continue to pray for the pain and suffering, but the bottom line is, at least at this writing, that no one was killed. I suspect this week's Legendtorial will address some of this issue.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.