Old Diamonds and Rattlesnakes!!!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

It was Saturday, July 06, 2013 and the Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Racing Series emerged closer and closer to the small town of Dublin, NC in Bladen County. There were fifteen Vintage Racecars headed to Dublin Motor Speedway, for a date with "The Rattlesnake"!

Bell & Bell had never raced on this Track. They were forewarned about the "Bite" it had. The excitement and anticipation grew stronger, and stronger as the day and time of going to Dublin came. You could literally hear the hisss of the Snake, you could smell venom in the air. Without a doubt you knew you were on it's domanin!

I had worked very closely with Richard, RJ and Shirley Bailey in preparation of Bell & Bell coming to run here. After a visit and tour of Lu Mil Vineyard I was escorted to the track by Ron Taylor. There were Racecars, Passenger Cars, Trucks, Haulers and Trailers beyond my count. It was literally a mecca of fuel smelling, speed seeking, dirt loving, passionate people. I found out very quickly THIS was the place to be on Saturday night!

I grew up around various Dirt Tracks, and yes, that is a Proper Noun to me. My Daddy (Chubby Thompkins) was well known for not only his driving skills, but his winning records as well. I know a good dirt track just by the feel and excitement in the air. If you do not feel it, you might as well go home for you will be wasting your money and time. People are going to flock to the excitement, and where they know they will be welcomed.

Dublin Motor Speedway is run by some of the hardest working people I have ever met! They take pride in their family heritage, and the legacy that comes along with it. There are so many Tracks that are closing for various reasons, however, "The Rattlesnake" is biting back at whatever comes against it! Not only is it biting back, it is winning!

When coming on the grounds, you can have nothing but respect for this Grand Place. For you see a place that is not only taken care of...but that takes care of you as well. The Family treats you as company who has come to visit their home. There are no Big I's, nor Little You's, it has already been established who the Hosts are. The admission varies on Special Events, however, they give Military and Senior Discounts as well. They also do something that I remember loving as a child, they pay attention to them. They toss out prizes, and make them a part of the Program. A child remembers these things, and will remain lifelong Fans!

In preparation of the Race of The Ultimate Late Model Series on June 29, not only did they extend the exisiting stands, but also built new ones to accomodate the Fans. Everything that could possibly be needed, was put in place to make everyones visit a pleasant one.

Not only is the Track "the place to be" on Saturday night, you have to factor in the financial gain for Bladen County. The Ultimate Super Late Model Series gave me an estimation of $115,000 in Racecars and $350,000 in Haulers, etc. Now, remember this was just one division, in total there were 6 Divisions running that night. There were 23 Ultimate Super Late Models, 14 Limited Late Models, 8 Open Wheels, 7 Super Streets, 13 Pure Stock/Super Stock 4cyl, and 5 U-Cars for a total of 70 Racecars. There were over 681 people in the Pits at $30.00 per person, and 839 in the Grandstands, at $20.00 per person. YOU do the math!

Last Saturday night when we with Bell & Bell rolled into town, we brought approximately $100,000 in Racecars and equipment. We were only one of seven divisions running.There were also 13 cars in the Late Model Division, 10 Open Wheel, 12 Super Street, 13 Pure Stock, 6 Super Stock/4cyl, and 3 U-Cars, for a total of 72 Racecars!!Who knows the total worth of Racecars, Haulers, Trailers and equipment that sit on the grounds of Dublin Motor Speedway on a weekly basis?

I do not have all the answers as to why there are so many "Ghost Tracks". But, I still know a GOOD one...when I see it, but most importantly ..I FEEL IT!! Bladen County, NC has a precious gem, a diamond in fact, this day and time, right in their backyard. Be proud of it, support it and commend those that keep it up and running! Thank you, to ALL that help create and make Saturday Night Racing such a wonderful experience at Dublin Motor Speedway!

The Bell & Bell Vintage Modified Racing Series looks forward to their next race at DMS on August 03, 2013! If you have never been, believe you me, that Rattlesnake will bite you good and hard. But, you keep coming back for more!

Don't forget to check out their website for Schedule and Admission.


updated by @patsy-thompkins-keisler: 12/05/16 04:09:31PM
bill mcpeek
12 years ago
820 posts

Great job Patsy. So well written it made me feel like I was there and I wish I had been. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to visit and who knows ,maybe take a turn around the place......

Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,784 posts

Nice job, Patsy!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

I hope Dublin continues to prosper. By your account, Patsy and the other RR members it sure seems to be doing the right things.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Thank you, gentlemen! You know...I speak from the heart. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. This WAS an amazing night for us all The feel...took me back and that is something we are all hard pressed to find this day and time. I wish you all could have been there! This family hires nothing out...they do it. All the while working their day jobs as well. They are genuinely Happy to see you, there is not a drop of phoniness in these people. Like I said, when people are glad to see you, and not act like THEY are doing you a favor...how can you NOT feel at home? The dedication they have shows in every square inch of that land!! I sure hope you get a chance to go with me sometime....

Charles Ray Stocks
12 years ago
222 posts

patsy speaking of ghost tracks dublin was a ghost track for a number of years whitch im sure you are aware of glad to see it is doing well now a keep up the good work thanks

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Thank you Charles, for your comments. Yes, I am aware of the "ghost status" for a few years. It was SO wonderful....to see the Track so alive and thriving. And, thank you for your words of encouragement. I need everyone's opinions...you are my Mentors...and friends.

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts


Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

It was such a positive experience, Dave!

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Now...Bill, just how happy that would make me!!

Bobby Williamson
12 years ago
907 posts

Dublin was indeed a ghost track.....its success makes it so much sweeter! Great article, Patsy..

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Thank you Bobby, I hope you know how much your opinion of my writing means to me. When living something like this...it just kinda flows, doesn't it?

Bobby Williamson
12 years ago
907 posts

Dublin was originally a big 1/2 miler.........as seen in this ghostly status from the '90's