"See the USA in your Chevrolet"

Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
I've been enjoying all the old car advertising promos that Jeff and Dustin do on Racers Reunion radio Tuesday nights. I love listening to the old advertising particularly from the Chevy brand, which has always been the standard as far as I'm concerned. Remember "See the USA in your Chevrolet", "The Heartbeat of America","Like a Rock" and" American Revolution"?

Well after 91 years, Campbell-Ewald has been fired and GM has given the advertising to a French agency. Campbell-Ewald started with Chevrolet in 1919, one year after the company was formed. Yes, back in the day of Runningboards. I realize times change, but it's still sad to see this happen. So next time when your tuned into Racers Reunion radio, think about all this Company did to make Chevrolet a household word.

Oh and the new catch phrase..."Excellence for all".

Pete, sad in Michigan.

updated by @pete-banchoff: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Russell Rector
15 years ago
80 posts
Also the motto" Baseball,hotdogs,apple pie and Chevrolet".
Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
Russell, how in the heck did I forget that one?? Probably the most memorable phrase!Pete
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Could it be Pete that the Studebaker commercial had your head in a spin and you were in a no zone???just trying to help you through your delima there friend. Or was that ride in the Delorem the real reason there Doc. Pete Banchoff said:
Russell, how in the heck did I forget that one?? Probably the most memorable phrase!
