December 19th - Clements brothers' wish list

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Some kids ask for a pony for Christmas. Some ask for a doll. Some folks have a deeper, broader wish for Christmas such as reconciliation of a strained relationship or world peace. Sometimes the wishes are granted - many times however they aren't.

Instead of a toy, a bike or a longing for Kumbaya, some guys hope for ... a race team. On December 18, 1963, brothers Crawford and Louis Clements announced plans to form a race team for 1964. Louis had parted ways with winning and championship driver Rex White. Crawford wanted to expand beyond his career as a mechanic for various drivers.

The 1964 season had already begun in November 1963, and Daytona's Speed Weeks was just a few weeks away. Yet the brothers hadn't picked a car nor settled on a driver to prepare for the 1964 season. Billy Wade was on their radar, but he ended up signing with Bud Moore. From what I can tell, neither of them fielded a GN car in 1964 ... or in the years to follow. Source: Spartanburg Herald .

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
bill mcpeek
12 years ago
820 posts

As a high school senior in 1956 in Kentucky I remember the Clement Brothers very well. It was understood that if a modified race car had one of their engines it was a winner for sure. Great article Chase. thank you.

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

Who can ever forget the indelible images snapped on July 4, 1984 of Air Force One with President Ronald Reagan aboard seemingly racing side-by-side down the Daytona backstretch with a speeding blue & red #43 STP entry carrying Richard Petty to his 200th NASCAR Cup victory and worldwide fame?

On this date - December 19th - in 1962 - the front page of the Daytona Beach Morning Journal carried an article chronicling hopes to build the jetport in Daytona where the President's plane landed.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"