Bennett (Benny) Clontz's Daughters

Billy & Barbara Scott
11 years ago
52 posts

We are trying to locate Benny Clontz's two daughters, Kim and Debra. Don't know if they are married or not, so we don't have a last name, other than Clontz. Do know he had two grandsons, Kyle and Duston,as he talked about them most of the time!!! Benny stayed in touch with us and we have a letter(s) from 1996we would like for them to have. Please tryto help us by searching for a name, address, or telephone number. If you, by chance, talk to either of them, please have them call us at 864-427-0433 or e-mail us at . Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.

God bless and we love you all,

Billy and Barbara Scott

updated by @billy-barbara-scott: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

Billy & Barbara, This may help you in your search. Bennett passed away this past Nov. His wife still lives in Morganton, NC. Her name is Sharee Ruth Dixon Clontz. Their Daughters are Debby Clontz Phillips and husband Brook and they live in Hickory NC. The other daughter is Dr. Kim Clontz Franklin and husband Doug and they live in Morganton, NC. The grandsons are Kyle Gantt and Dustin Gantt. Hope this helps youget in touch with them...Bill

Billy & Barbara Scott
11 years ago
52 posts

Bill, thanks a million!!! We did know that Benny had passed away and that is why we wanted to get the letter(s) to them. What kind of doctor is Kim? Is Morganton too large of a city to just put their name on an envelope and they may get it? I know some towns won't do that, but I thought since she is a doctor, they just might get it to her. Bill, you are so nice and kind to all members on RR and we knew someone like you would take this to heart and help!!!

God bless and we love you.

bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

Dr. Kim works with Meridian Behavioral Health Services and they have several locations around North Carolina. Google that name and you can get a phone number for Meridian. If you call them and ask what location would be best to send some letters to Dr. Kim I'm sure they

will help you. good luck. bill

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Here's an e-mail address from Meridian Behavioral Health you might try, where as Bill has noted, Dr. Kim Franklin is listed as Clinical Director.

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