Big Bill, back in the early 50s used all kinds of tricks to promote Stock Car Racing.

Jim Streeter
11 years ago
242 posts

When he opened Champion Speedway in Fayetteville NC, he made the announcement that ****(I cant remember his name) The NASCAR Sportsman West Virginia State Champion would be racing. I later found out that NASCAR had only one(1)race the previous year in West Virginia andonly 8 cars entered the race (4 were running at the finish).He won! he finished last at Fayetteville.

He was a real promoter. I really admired that man!

updated by @jim-streeter: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

Sounds like a Carnival barker among other things Jim. lol...He was indeed a real promoter...

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Good one Jim. Thanks.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"