Is he still with us?

Alex FL Racing Fan
11 years ago
221 posts

I was reading this interview with Frank Mundy. At one point, the interviewer asks if certain drivers are still alive: Arden Mounts and Jesse James Taylor. I know that they have passed on, but Frank mentions Slick Smith, Buddy Shuman, and Glenn Dunaway. We know what tragically happened to Buddy and Glenn, but Slick?

Slick is a curiosity to me. I have spent time searching the country for "Ebenezer Smith"s, yet I have never found one that would match Slick. Does anyone know for certain if Slick is still with us?

updated by @alex-fl-racing-fan: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Alex, I don't know but I'm sure someone in this group will know and will most likely give you enough information to let you know what Slick had for breakfast this morning if he is still with us.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Alex FL Racing Fan
11 years ago
221 posts

Well... having met many drivers, that wouldn't surprise me.

Edit: I found an Ebenezer Smith from Georgia who was born in 1929 and passed away in 1997