10 years ago
117 posts

This morning Jim's breathing had improved and they were going to move him from intensive

care into a regular room but then this afternoon his condition has changed and he is not doing well.Please keep Jim and his family in your prayers.Will continue to update his condition as information becomes available.

updated by @laverne-zachary: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Alex FL Racing Fan
10 years ago
221 posts

Will continue praying. Thanks for the update.

Harlow Reynolds
10 years ago
214 posts

Gene Hobby just called and said Jim has pass a way-


10 years ago
117 posts

Very sad news Jim did pass away late yesterday evening.Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time.Please continue to keep his family in your prayers.

Alex FL Racing Fan
10 years ago
221 posts

I will do so.

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Jim's family will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
10 years ago
622 posts

My thoughts are with his friends and family. Thank you for letting everyone know.

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

We should all enjoy our friends and greathero'sof racing while we can. The new tomorrow may bejust around the next curve .. Remember hear all you can of yesteryear and write it down for tomorrows news.

Eric Cardona
10 years ago
196 posts

RIP Jim Massey :'(

danny whitener
10 years ago
47 posts

Gene Hobby and I was talking Saturday evening about needing to use video or audio recordings when some of these older guys get together and bench race. Would be great if we could record these sessions. Seems like we are losing some of the older guys every day. Bill Blair does a great job with his videos. Thats what makes Racers Reunion what it is. Doing shows and video interviews. I hope we never lose fact of what all the older guys has done in their life times to advance racing in general.

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

The stories that I write are true in contex, some I dont remember names of all described but I try to tell it as close as I can remember. I know more of Ga,Fla and Al. Some Tn but always try to share here on Racers Reunion and Pioneer Pages magazine.