Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

We, as members of Racers Reunion, have an opportunity to put Jeff Gilder in a racecar for the Frank Kimmel event in Rockingham, North Carolina November 27. Although the "deal" is in the preliminary stages at this time, a great deal of effort has been put into the project by Sam Beam and Jimmy Johnson to make this happen. Jeff has agreed to drive. So, the only thing left to do is raise the necessary funds. We need $5,000.00. Roughly stated, that is 150 members contributing $35.00 each to make it happen.

At this time, we are launching a "feeler" to see how much interest there is in going forward with this project. We need 150 people to step up between now and October 1, 2010, and get on the list to contribute. If we are successful in that, an account will be set up and we will ask that checks or moneyorders be mailed to be received no later than October 15th. NO MONEY IS BEING REQUESTED AT THIS TIME, we are merely asking for the committment from those of you who believe in Jeff. The money will be requested ONLY when and if we have sufficient committment to allow this project to go forward.

Should there be any business owners or corporate entities who wish to come forward with primary sponsorship, it can be arranged to have your company name and logo on the entry. We can discuss details if you will e-mail me at: legendtim83@yahoo.com and work out a suitable arrangement to benefit our effort and your company.

We are hoping, through these efforts, not only to put Jeff Gilder on the trackO one more time,but also to bring recognition and support to Racers Reunion projects, one of the most important being the Memory Lane Racers Reunion Hall of Fame in Mooresville, NC. We have an induction ceremony, for the second year class, scheduled for October 17th.

Ok folks, the car is in OUR pit. Are we going to put it back on the track? E-mail me and let me know your thoughts and your committment.

Thank you


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
15 years ago
622 posts
Let's do! Please place me on the list. Thank you!
Harvey Tollison
15 years ago
226 posts
If I can find $35 after our Augusta event ,sounds like a good idea.
Cody Dinsmore
15 years ago
589 posts
I hope Jeff can race! That'd be awesome!
Mike Sykes
15 years ago
308 posts
Count me in and hopeall the other members will get in on this.
15 years ago
622 posts
How are we doing on the list?Please email Tim if you would like to help, if you haven't already. Thank you!