PROJECT 1320 DRAG RACING DOCUMEENTARY - First interviews complete

Jon W. Lundberg, Sr.
15 years ago
23 posts
Spent Friday recording memories of the sport and industry with the Project 1320 Documentary crew in Scottsdale. Neat people. Dave McClelland did the same on Saturday. On Sunday they had us interview each other. Very neat time with "Big Mac".

Apparently they're gonna use us to "bookend" the documentary and do fill-ins. P1320 will be conduting their first racing and industry pioneer interviews during the SEMA Show this year. Goal is to tell the WHOLE story, of the ENTIRE sport and industry, from the BEGINNING. Currently planned is a 25-part documentary presented in the manner of Ken Burn's precedent-setting "Jazz".

As you might imagine, when Dave and I got to talking about how things got started, the conversation became a bit extended. They got it all though. Real fun working and relating to Dave as our careers were mainly congruent timewise but we chose divergent paths. Neat guy this McClelland dude.
Posts: 173
Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:31 pm
Location: Oro Valley, AZ

updated by @jon-w-lundberg-sr: 12/05/16 08:51:10AM