HELP THE BRITS WIN - Vintage Dragster Project

Jon W. Lundberg, Sr.
15 years ago
23 posts

Most of you know of the Project 1320 drag racing documentary. A side project is building an engine for the almost-restored Sidney Allard Dragster - the UK's first hemi fueler. The car was built by "that" Sidney Allard in 1961. The new heart for this puppy is almost done.

Many of you are aware of that really cool and outrageous car program "Top Gear" filmed in the UK too. Well, they have a "Cool Car Wall" upon which cars receiving the most email votes find best placement. That contest is now underway and "Ally" is nearing the top. We need 100 votes to put 'er in the prime spot. It'll help the Brits complete their restoration from public support. Voting takes less than a minute and costs nothing.

Here's a note from Ally project head Brian Taylor.

Top Gear Cool Wall Project Latest Oct 3rd 11.00 am

The get Ally voted the coolest car around project has started well thanks to you and many Facebook friends. We now have 165 votes and this has been achieved in less than 3 days. We are now in the Top Twenty coolest cars on the wall. The next target is to get in the Top Ten and this will require about another 60 votes. The situation fluctuates as other cars receive votes. I see this as an important part of raising awareness in the project rather than just a bit of fun. And you can vote more than once providing its not too often and too frequent. If you all voted right now we would get there.

So get voting again and bump this e-mail to your friends and ask them to vote for us. It only takes around 15 seconds to place a vote and you only need to leave your name on the voting form. Vote via the link. Many thanks.

Thanks for your help!

Jon Lundberg

updated by @jon-w-lundberg-sr: 12/05/16 08:51:12AM
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
I just did. What a cool car!

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