Racin & Rockin Moving to New Night in 2011

Bill Pratt
15 years ago
460 posts
Hi everybody.

As you may have seen, I'm moving the Racin' & Rockin' with Draglist.com radio show to Monday nights.

It was not my intention originally, but some quite a few listeners have asked me to do it in order to free up their Fridays.

I also have been having a hard time getting my co-hosts John and Danny on the show due to their weekend schedules.

After considering everything, I decided this past week to make the change. This holiday break seems like the right time.

I have to admit, it will be much easier to get guests, co-hosts, and listeners on a Monday show.

Jeff is putting Patrick Reynolds in at 7 pm with his excellent all series motorsports results show. I will be coming in afterwards from 8-10 pm. The first show is on January 3, and I just spoke with our guest for that show -- BOB GLIDDEN!

As many of you know, this opportunity is presenting itself because Sam Auxier, Jr., is moving his show to another network (still at 7 to 9 pm on Mondays). I contacted Sam yesterday to explain my decision to move my show into his old spot and he offered me his best wishes. I also wish Sam the best of luck on his new network.

It's going to make drag fans choose which parts of our shows they will listen to, but I guess that's a nice problem to have...

Thanks to everyone for their support and let's rock for 2011! bp

updated by @bill-pratt: 05/12/17 01:59:34AM