John R. Bockelman
13 years ago
62 posts

It will be great to hear the Farmer and you, Wally! Looking forward to a great show tonight! JB

Bill Layton2
13 years ago
4 posts

Arnie was the absolute best. He came to Motor City Dragway one time and we had the Mystery Mover there. Dad and he became instant friends. On the way out we got down the road and here is Arnie broke down along side of the road with his GMC truck with the race car on the back. Dad pulls over and low and behold he had lost a cylinder on the GMC. Dad hooked up the 63 Chevy wagon and towed him and crew back to Howell where they tore the engine down on the GMC and found a burnt piston. Took a week to get parts and we got to know Arnie and Crew that whole time. Great guy and loves to go fast. Last time I saw him was about 6 years at Turkey Rod Run at Daytona. Great Man