Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Something I've noticed over the past years....once a driver / player receives a concussion, they seem to be more prone to them. With soft walls and all the driver cocoon improvements to help absord the impact....better helmets, impact absorbing foam around the helmt...etc..there seem to be fewer. But ther is still nothing that completely offset the effect of ones brain slamming against the skull from an impact.

Anyone strapping themselves into any kind of race car should get a thorough evaluation of their cocoon design from a restraint engineer...such as Trevor Ashline of Simpson Racing (formerly Safety solutions). Trevor has done extensive testing (from Dale Earnhardt Sr. crash...and more) and can offer advice on simple things like proper seat bel;t mounting to placement and type of energy absorbing foam for the upper part of the seat (around the helmet) proper head and bneck restraint systems.

Many drivers do not take this as seriously as they should. I have a video of some of Trevor's testing (availabel at Simpson) showing what can happen at speeds as low as 60mph. Pretty scary!

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