Butler Cty ohio owner name of 1957 Corvette FI red gasser in the 1960-70 era

william keogh
11 years ago
8 posts
Butler county ohio 1957 Corvette FI drag racer 1976 picture who owned it

Need Ohio owner(s) of 1957 Corvette red race car (i.e. vin # E57S101335) (i.e. picture attached) that was sold to Canadian person George Pascoe in 1978. CAR WAS REGISTERED IN OHIO IN BUTLER COUNTY (I.e.County #9) (i.e. Ohio Registration number in 1976 was . 09035078. Black seats. Car never had roll bar and is genuine original fuel injection car. Replacement 327 cu. in. engine. with exhaust headers and collectors. Car had I BEAM front suspension lift. Was a factory heater delete car. No radio or antenna in 1978. Large Morosso hood scoop. Americain Thrust Mag Wheels. Morosso Tach on drivers side dash. Probably drag raced at one of following drag strips (i) Beechmount or (ii) Hamilton Tri-State Dragway or (iii) Xenia Kil-Kare Dragstrip or (iv) Edgewater Raceway Park Drag Strip or (v) Raven Rock Drag Strip Originally from factory car was a red three speed fuel injected car. Please contact with any information : Tom Spence or Bill Keogh E mail: tspence1@cogeco.ca wllmkeogh@yahoo.com Tel : 905-8928420 or 905-8712341 Ontario, Canada
picture of car in 1976 can be seen at:
E MAIL: wllmkeogh@yahoo.com

updated by @william-keogh: 12/05/16 08:53:24AM