solved Login

Don Teague
9 years ago
17 posts

Jeff, you might want to find way to let current members know they have to reset their password to gain access and how to do it. I spent along time and several attempts and always got invalid ID or password message. I finally gave up and selected forgot them and found out how to reset password. This was a by accident method because I knew I hadn’t forgotten them.

updated by @donald-teague: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
1,784 posts

Hi Don,

Glad you made it. We "attempted" to send all members an email with those instructions. for some reason only 7213 members got it.....the email server stopped there. That means that 8099 folks did not get the email...working on that now. 

I have added those instruction at the top of the page. Thanks Don!


Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Johnny Mallonee
9 years ago
3,259 posts

  Well Doggies I finally found a door that would open. Dont know if its the right one but Im seeing a few things that are familiar. I guess its like fine wine, It will get better with time.

  Now on with the show 