Looking for pictures of friends cars

Paul Straney
9 years ago
1 posts

Hello everyone, my first post on the new site. I was wondering if anyone remembers Bobby West, Wally Isennock and Tom Ewers.  I was a young teen when I  befriended these guys. Bobby raced a 34 Ford B/A pick-up powered by a 312 Ford. The Wright Bros. purchased it from him. Wally raced a 1939 Ford Deluxe coupe in the B, then C then D/G class as engines got larger. Tom raced a 37 Ford humpback in B/G. Hooper had a '32(?) roadster he would race in that class. Does anyone have pictures of the cars?  We  used to frequent 75/80, Capitol, Cecil County. Walley's car was named the "One Armed Bandit". It was small lettering over the drivers door just below the window. Wally's left arm was non existent below the elbow, hence the name. Bob did work at Racing Parts and Machine when Paul Hoage was located on Joppa Rd. next to the bowling alley. I do know that the Wright brothers purchased Bobby's B/A and Bill Wright still owns it. Also wondering if anyone knows where Wally's coupe and Tom's sedan are today. We all lived in northeast Baltimore in the day.

updated by @paul-straney: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM