Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Well I guess Shaun out in California tires very easy of his toys. In fact he has put the Roy Mayne #46 up for sale on E-Bay. Yup its for sale and for the sum of ----Well it hasnt met the reserve yet so time will tell. I sure hope it can be brought back to the South East again. Wouldnt it be a real treat to have it placed on permanent display at the Racers Reunion Hall of Fame Museum in Mooresville Nc? For you prespective buyers out there here is the link to it--SOME-ONE please go bring her home P L E A S E

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 05/24/17 12:37:22PM
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts

Thats still a good looking car even if it was redone on the west coast
15 years ago
622 posts
I'm with you on this. One lotto ticket coming up. What a wonderful item of history this is!

Robbie Solesbee said:
If you have the 75k to start the economy is the least of your worries. Plus, Shaun has backers here who can authenticate the car. It's a museum quality piece so only a fool would undo the work put into the car. I do know I'm buying some lotto tickets tonight and hope for the best. And this car is far from being just a "toy".

John Craft said:
I am quite sure the reserve is well into six figures. I'd be willing to bet the seventy-five-thousand ($75,000.00) minimum bid is just the price of entry. It will be interesting to see if all of the promotion that went into the car's restoration (here and elsewhere) will produce any bids. There are still three days left. But, so far, crickets....
I'm afraid that the prices of real old Grand National cars like the Mayne car are being hurt by the great number of fakes that are around (to include... incredibly ..some that are actually on display in the new NASCAR HoF in Charlotte!).

Of course, the current trajectory of the economy is not helping either.

Good luck to Shaun. It would be nice to see the car come back to the Southland.