Thank you everyone

Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

I just wanted to take a minute and thank all of you for the birthday wishes yesterday. So many personal e-mails and notes here on the site is almost overwhelming. I most sincerely thank each and every one of you do took the time. I deeply appreciate this Racers Reunion Family.

That's it. I'm done!!


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
The shortest post you've ever made.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
You are Welcome Legdon
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts

must have been out of breath from the candles
Jeff Gilder said:
The shortest post you've ever made.
Cody Dinsmore
15 years ago
589 posts
"A man of many words" ~ from the Tuesday night show!
15 years ago
622 posts
You are welcome! I hope you had a wonderful birthday week.
15 years ago
1 posts
Hey Tim,Happy (belated) Birthday! i didn't receive notice.

Next Year we paaaarty! YEAH!
Chuck West2
15 years ago
2 posts
Tim,Happy belated Birthday!All the best,Chuck WestPS - Thanks again for turning me on to this site! I learned a lot here, that helped with information prior to having the King restore Pete's Superbird!