I am almost embarrassed to write this one, but I think it's worth educating those of you who don't know (and I didn't know until today).
I am always very emotional on Veteran's Day. I get that from my Daddy who fought the Japs from October 1942 until they surrendered in August, 1945, and from my brother Gary who passed away in February, 2006, at age 51 from cancer. Gary was a Marine and until the day he died, that was his second proudest achievement, the first being his daughter Melissa. I served my time in the Navy, but I never sacrificed like my Daddy and Gary.
This is what I learned today by going to the Veteran's Day parade in Columbia. Did you know that the hat I wear (which is copied by that dude called The King) is pretty much the same type hat worn by the Airborne Rangers from the Viet Nam era? I didn't. As I stood on the parade route cheering the Veterans and current troops going by, I was saluted over and over. I returned the salutes, of course, out of courtesy, but it was not until talking with the Mayor that I learned I was being mistaken for Airborne! While I would certainly be proud to have served in such a capacity, I never did that. At least now I know. Next year I'll not wear The Legend hat.
One other thing I learned that absolutely amazed me and leaves me, even now, almost in shock. Columbia is home to Fort Jackson, the largest training base for the U.S. Army in the world. Consequently, there were over 2,000 troops marching in the parade from Fort Jackson. As I watched these troops go by I was in shock that the OLDEST looking one in the group appeared to be maybe 20. Some looked so young I thought they could be classmates to my 14 year old grandson Andrew. Our country is being protect by KIDS.
I know we often talk about the importance of educating young race fans about the history of the sport so it will survive the efforts of some to kill off the history. We also need to be talking about the importance of the YOUNG people, men and women, or maybe more appropriately, boys and girls, in protecting the freedom we enjoy in this country. Truly the young people of this country are taking the obligation of maintaining freedom very seriously. I think we older folks need to start taking these younger folks more seriously. God, I am so proud to be an American.
Ok, yep, I know this wasn't necessarily related to racing, but without these armed forces, what we have wouldn't exist.
What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.
updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM