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Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

Well, it's over. It's done. Jimmie Johnson has number 5. Denny Hamlin has zero. The glory of the Empire of the Rising Sun is licking it's wounds as the setting sun slips beneath the western coast of Florida. Denny was heard to say, as he waded ashore from the little lake in the infield "I shall return". Prophetic to say the least.

The race was a good one, close racing (what little we could see of it) but the television coverage absolutely begged for total destruction. I don't think I've seen more commercials in any race broadcast in years as ESPN managed to slip in today. And the same ones over and over. And those self-serving "Sports Center" promos! I am seriously considering canceling my Nationwide homeowners and car insurance if I have to hear Junior tell me one more time to call 1-800-500-fiftee-fiv-fiftee-fiv.

And while we are on the subject of ESPN and numbers, I would ask that someone in the mathematically challenged world of ESPN add up the Hendrick titles (10) and then add up Petty Enterprises titles. I know Lee had 3, Richard had 7. In South Carolina, that adds up to 10. God only knows what it may add up to in Bristol, Connecticutt (ESPN headquarters) or Southern Florida.

One more thing to remember, and just a thought here. NASCAR hasn't finished inspecting the cars after the race. Could it be that the number 48 is 1/16 of an inch too low???? 150 point penalty would rock that world wouldn't it.

Ok, enough for tonight. Join us on Tuesday night radio, Racing the Way it Was, for the Legendtorial. Should be an interesting tirade for sure. That is Racers Reunion Radio on The Zeus Radio Network!


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Hay Legdon i thought about that pasing intp but wait Lowes brings in a lot of money to Nascar i think thay will give him 5
Cody Dinsmore
15 years ago
589 posts
Hey Tim, didn't even notice the Petty # of Championships mistake. I heard them talking about it, but thought nothing of it. Jimmie's not my favorite driver, but I respect him so much for winning 53 races and 5 straight championships all in 8 years in Cup competition.
Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts
Tirade????? Billy, you hurt me to the heart. I think I shall cry.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Ernest Sutton
15 years ago
181 posts
If we had seen a "legitimate" season-long representation of the "champonship", Harvick would have won going it should have been. The "Chase" is a joke.
15 years ago
622 posts
I'm with you on this, Ernest! Honk your horns everyone!

Ernest Sutton said:
If we had seen a "legitimate" season-long representation of the "champonship", Harvick would have won going it should have been. The "Chase" is a joke.