Jake Elder time line

Dave Rinn
15 years ago
7 posts

In conjunction with the greatest crew chiefs list, I was always wondering if anybody had a timeline for whom, where and when Jake Elder worked on each team he helped. Itseems as though whoever he worked with always had some level of success. I know he has worked with greats such asEarnhardt, Davey Allison, Rob Moroso, and many others. Can we fill in the long list?

updated by @dave-rinn: 03/18/17 01:08:14PM
Robin L. Agner
15 years ago
169 posts

Jake worked for Billy Hagan as Terry LaBonte's crew chief. I am not positive about the year but I think it was part of 1981 & 1982.

Richard Guido
15 years ago
238 posts

Jake worked for Petty Enterpsies during the early mid 60's I do not know the exact period but here is what Richard had to say about him .....

He'd put something on the car and say, OK, now it's right. Here, you go drive it. And don't come back in complaining to me, because I got the car fixed. You go learn how to drive it.' Elder was certainly a leader. He might not always be right, but he was never wrong. One thing about Jake he was always the same. When you saw him coming, you knew what you were going to get. He was good enough and forceful enough that when he said he'd fixed something, they had confidence in the car and could go out and get something done.

This man was a genius and Elder epitomizes OLD SCHOOL. Much has been said hereabout the new compared to the old ....Jake Elder is one of the best ever to turn a wrench. Some feel that a certain feeling is missing these days and that includes myself. The sport of NASCAR owes a tone to people like Jake Elder.

Mike Sykes
15 years ago
308 posts

He was Waltrips crew cheif in his rookie year and a couple more years I think.. But I know he was one of the smartest crew chiefs to hit the curcuit.Then or now !!!!!

Billy & Barbara Scott
15 years ago
52 posts

Dave, just thought we would mention that Dale Sr. told us Jake Elder was the best----enough said.

God bless we love all and MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!

William Horrell
15 years ago
175 posts

Jake was a prototype that has notand probably never will be repeated. He was REAL. The one year and driver combo thatJake had NO success with that comes to mind would be Bobby Hillin in '85. Of course he did not stay very long either.