As we lay our head down for the last time Friday in 2010

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts

I hope we awake to the new year with:

1- A new outlook on our beloved Sport called Racing

2-Renewed interest in short track racing

3-Our ventures in holding Reunions at tracks blossom

4-Our wealth of friendship within continues to grow

5-Nascar gets rolling into the future with a car of reality and not of convience

6- The voice of our past is heard loudly in our future

7-Our 5 nites of racing will be heard around the world nitely

8- Bobby Williamson will forever rock silently with the Ghost tracks of yesterday

9- Tim Leeming will reign as the voice of knowledge

10- All our members will have a wonderful year and prosper fruitfully

And may all the sickness be banished from our clan and all live a wonderful live whether they chose the low line or the high line but most of all everyone make the circle in peace and tranquility

And lastly Thank all the people who put so much effort into our existence and H A P P Y N E W--Y E A R

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Cody Dinsmore
15 years ago
589 posts
Happy NewYear Johnny and everyone here on Racers Reunion! I have to say that 2010 has been my best year ever! I hope 2011 is better.
Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts

Happy New Year my dear friend. Those thoughts are so beautiful expressed I wish I could have them framed for my wall here in the Lair. I do hope your New Year, as I hope for all of us, really rocks.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Leon Phillips
15 years ago
626 posts
Happy New Year Master and everybody on RR Looking Forward to 2011
Russell Rector
15 years ago
80 posts
Here on the eve of the New Year,Janice and I hope all our Racers Reunion Family members have a great 2011!!!
David Alfred Bayer
14 years ago
9 posts

Thank you Johnnie. Bless you Cody, my last year was the opposite, the worst of my life, filled with sickness, ugliness, and some fear, which unfortunately remains. So my prayer for the new year, including all you said Johnnie, is to remember the good that there was last year, and that we all, and me and my family, walk in faith, in peace, good health and with no fear as we continue to pile up the laps, and not just by sight. (and just to show the gift of humor is still around, notice I said "not JUST by sight" instead of "not by sight period," as since we are racers we kinda need to keep our eyes open!LOL)

Dave B.