NASCAR Trending report using Goggle research

Don Smyle
14 years ago
23 posts
OK, today something a little different. I have attached a link to the Google trending report for searches on the internet. Type the word NASCAR in the search box. I think it is very interesting. First, you see a visible decline over the past five years..Second, notice the variations in interest at times of the year, especially in the latter months....Tells me people are tuning out when the chase starts...
updated by @don-smyle: 03/10/17 09:21:55AM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Yes, that looks very obvious.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Ernest Sutton
14 years ago
181 posts
And this is surprising?? As I have stated many times, I believe the "Chase" is one of the very worst brainstorms NASCAR has had in recent years. I think there are many people (especially veteran race fans) who do not believe that the "Chase" championship formatis truly representaative of a season-long championship. I believe the point system should be revamped such that a race winner gets extra bonus points (that is still the objective of racing, isn't it?), leading the most laps gets bonus points, and maybe pole winners getting a few bonus points. All of those are obviously performance points......which should be what the fans want to see............and the season championship would be based on these performance points, not on which driver can do the best in the last 10 races. I realize that it takes a level of consistency & performance for 12 drivers to qualify for the "Chase", but it never has seemed right and there's something about the phrase, "remember the big picture", that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Drivers should be racing to win in every race and should be rewarded for their performance over the whole season.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
The chase, the top 35...or whatever number they lock in, and the lucky dog, is simply "managed" results and not racing. Ernest, you're so right. Leading laps, winning races, and kicking everybody's butt every time you go to the race is the concept that made the sport grow in the first place. If "Go fast or go home" isn't part of the equation just ain't racin. Hey that rhymed...I feel a new poem coming on.Yes, John, every crew chief I have spoken to hates the whole spec car idea. Great crew chiefs advanced this sport with their "creativity".I honestly do not know how NASCAR can turn this around without a complete overhaul. There are so many of the older core fans who have lost interest....and so many of the here-today-and-gone-tomorrow newer fans who lack the passion once present by a brand loyal and dependable is going to be a rough road ahead. But, if an overhaul is eminent, the sooner the process begins...the better for all. The gap between the older fans and the present way is widening with each passing year. There is now an obvious generational disconnect.Oh well...I could ramble on and on about this....I suppose we all could. It will never be what it was. I'm still a fan...or try to be...and I want so much to see the sport once again march forward. It was and is a major part of my life.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tommy Buxton
14 years ago
53 posts

Thesad truth is, most of us here at RR long for the way it was, but I remember lots of folks complaining about somebody locking up the championship too early most years. That's why we have this rediculous chase format now. Thereal truth is,it is impossible to please everybody which means somebody will always be complaining no matter what.Big Bill and Little Bill are gone and all we have left is the trickle down effect and what's trickling down is not a good example of what the forefathers had in mind. It kind of reminds me of what has happened in our country. Mr Washington and Mr Jefferson would surley be disappointed in where we are and what we have become and I am pretty sure Big Bill and LittleBill would feel the same about the sad shape of NASCAR.