Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Behind closed doors even---Ryan and Montoya still going at it today in the little Red Trailer. Then Montoya says Ryan hits like a girl,hmmmmm but he looks kinda swollen on the cheek for some reason.

Is this going to be another of the ongoing family feuds so to speak?

like Jimmy Spencer and Kurt Bush

or Kyle Bush and Tony Stewart

or Hamelin and Keselowski

or Carl and Matt.

there are more than these im sure but dont fuss at Darlington.

What do you think the outcome of this will be? Another top ten slugfest or a he said she said debate??

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Put the ring in the infield (Franklin county style) and make it part of the penalty. The loser pays a fine and starts in the back the next race. Just think of what it would do for ticket sales and TV ratings. Just like Dana White of the UFC says. "If a sporting event of any kind is underway and a fight breaks out...where does the attention go?"I'm really kidding in case you wondered.....but I do think it would improve the ratings.

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