I WISH............................

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Watching the race from Dover today, a realization came to me. I wish I knew as much as Darrell Waltrip THINKS he knows. If so, there would be world peace, no hunger, no floods, no sickness, no cancer, nothing but all things good.

I cannot figure out how D.W. ever lost a race. He can so adequately describe what each car is doing, what each crew is going to do, AND exactly what each driver is thinking.I just never realized all these things were possible in someone from Owensboro, KY.

Oh well, I'm going to walk Ann's cat. At least I can feel a little intelligent when I'm with that cat.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 03/26/17 10:44:52PM
Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
Thats Good Legdon LOL LOL
Christopher Krul
14 years ago
119 posts
Thats why they call him "JAWS." Still holds true today.
Ernest Sutton
14 years ago
181 posts
You're funny, Tim............and I like that. You do bring up an interesting point. It seems to me that in car racing, moreso than any other sport, the commentators can read the drivers minds (is that scary or what?). I agree with you, also, about Ole D.W. He seems to be better at it than anyone else I know of. However, he is obviously doing a really good job of teaching his newfound craft to Larry Mac............as he is coming along nicely developing the same types of skills. I have come to the conclusion that there is something magical about that brodcast booth they are in that enables them to acquire and use these supernatural powers. So if NASCAR is looking for ways to replace their lost revenues from ticket sales and soon-to-be lost revenues from their TV contracts, then I might suggest they look at getting a patent on that magical broadcast booth - as they certainly could make millions on such a rare find...............and Sir Brian France could continue to enjoy the lifestyle which his father & grandfather so generously dumped in his lap.
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts
Oops, wrong place. I thought this was the D.W. fan club page, sorry.
Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts
Turn the volume down and turn Barney Hall up. Works every time.
Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
Thank goodness I missed the televised version how ever I did listen on the radio for the first 40 laps or so then was entertained for the next few hours at the vineyard by some harley riders. Very entertaining and educational even they don't like D.W.
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts

DW sure is taking a lot of heat on this board. Waltrip is pretty smart when it comes to race cars but I tune him out and just watch to cars going aroundand listen to Mike Joy.

Ernest Sutton
14 years ago
181 posts

Jim Reep Jr said:
There is only 1 member of Darrell Lee's Fan Club, & that's Darrell Lee. LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!! I always knew he was omnipotent, cause I asked him once. LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, there's Stevie, too.
Pete Banchoff
14 years ago
279 posts
I just can't get into watching FOX and Speed doing races, practice and qualifying for Cup. The network just seems to think there can't be a race without Darrell's opinions so I just don't watch very much anymore. It's sad that Darrell and Larry Mac have to be on when Phil Parsons (Speed) and Andy Petree (from ESPN) could do a much better job with Mike Joy. I need to try the radio thing to see how that works with the TV on mute.
14 years ago
363 posts
DW can come accross as a Know it All. He's been that way for years. I can take the Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, but whenwhen I need to I can tune him out with ease now. The one thing I can tune out is that Darn Digger! Get the rat off the race andquit trying to sell me stuffed Digger Dolls. If I want to watch cartoons I can do that on saturday mornings. I miss Benny and Neil.
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
There are still alot of people that listen to the races on Radio. A more mature audience ......Barney Hall with out a doubt is the best in the business.

Pete Banchoff said:
I just can't get into watching FOX and Speed doing races, practice and qualifying for Cup. The network just seems to think there can't be a race without Darrell's opinions so I just don't watch very much anymore. It's sad that Darrell and Larry Mac have to be on when Phil Parsons (Speed) and Andy Petree (from ESPN) could do a much better job with Mike Joy. I need to try the radio thing to see how that works with the TV on mute.
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
I miss Benny and Neil also. Neil wsa real good and Ned Jarrett tops the list. When we take a look back some of the commentators were real good at their work. Ken Squire was a little rough around the edges but a pleasure none the less. Jim Kckay was a great one. Chris Economacki was another memorable character among others ......

Bumpertag said:
DW can come accross as a Know it All. He's been that way for years. I can take the Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, but whenwhen I need to I can tune him out with ease now. The one thing I can tune out is that Darn Digger! Get the rat off the race andquit trying to sell me stuffed Digger Dolls. If I want to watch cartoons I can do that on saturday mornings. I miss Benny and Neil.
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I actually e-mailed FOX Sports today. Very nice e-mail, no bad words. The e-mail address promised a response within two hours. It's been 12 and still nothing.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Christopher Krul
14 years ago
119 posts
One race I got so sick and tired of him cheering on Kyle Busch, I muted the TV and put MRN on. I felt like MRN did a better job covering the race too. Yes, Digger is annoying. They act like the ground camera is something new. Its not. It has been around for ages. ESPN used it on Saturday Night Thunder.
Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts
You will think you are listening to or watching two different races.

Pete Banchoff said:
I just can't get into watching FOX and Speed doing races, practice and qualifying for Cup. The network just seems to think there can't be a race without Darrell's opinions so I just don't watch very much anymore. It's sad that Darrell and Larry Mac have to be on when Phil Parsons (Speed) and Andy Petree (from ESPN) could do a much better job with Mike Joy. I need to try the radio thing to see how that works with the TV on mute.
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts

Business is business, humans are human and racing is humans doing business. There is no perfect world, no perfect business, no perfect humans, thus no perfect racing or the broadcast thereof.

I would like everything to suit me but it don't and I accept it, race broadcast included. It is what it is and I for one know darned well that I cannot broadcast even as good as D.W. and that is not saying much. I would love to tune in Sunday and see one of you guys standing beside ole' Larry Mac with a deer in the headlight look trying to say something informative, entertainingand new at the same time.

As I read this thread I am convinced that there must be some announcers among our midst on this site. To you announcers I say go get D.W.'S job and do it better. You have my vote.

Do we really honestly think this so called sport is put on for our entertainment? Please. It is what it is, an imperfect business all the way from Nascar at the top to Fox in the middle to D.W. on the bottom.

With that said I say, go out to the local short track, support the local racers and see some real racing / entertainment without D.W. ruining your race or day. Just my thought on D.W and his announcing skills. Not a D.W. fan but he is as human as the rest of us good people.

Pete Banchoff
14 years ago
279 posts
I'm going to try and pull in MRN for Cup races and just turn the TV off. The closest affilliate is about 70 miles away. No MRN in the metro Detroit area believe it or not. If I can pull it in, it would remind me of the old days when we always listened on radio with Barney Hall.
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
Good posrt

William Horrell said:

Business is business, humans are human and racing is humans doing business. There is no perfect world, no perfect business, no perfect humans, thus no perfect racing or the broadcast thereof.

I would like everything to suit me but it don't and I accept it, race broadcast included. It is what it is and I for one know darned well that I cannot broadcast even as good as D.W. and that is not saying much. I would love to tune in Sunday and see one of you guys standing beside ole' Larry Mac with a deer in the headlight look trying to say something informative, entertainingand new at the same time.

As I read this thread I am convinced that there must be some announcers among our midst on this site. To you announcers I say go get D.W.'S job and do it better. You have my vote.

Do we really honestly think this so called sport is put on for our entertainment? Please. It is what it is, an imperfect business all the way from Nascar at the top to Fox in the middle to D.W. on the bottom.

With that said I say, go out to the local short track, support the local racers and see some real racing / entertainment without D.W. ruining your race or day. Just my thought on D.W and his announcing skills. Not a D.W. fan but he is as human as the rest of us good people.

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

William Horrell, that is a most excellent post and contains very true and valid points, all of which I considered before posting my Forum and all of which I consider each time I open my big mouth or pound away on the keyboard. I try to be considerate of others and I really do like people. I enjoy sharing racing thoughts and comments here and enjoy all the people who join in whether they agree with me or not. I love your analysis in the next to the last paragraph of your post and absolutely LOVE the last paragraph and couldn't agree more.

Having said that, I will assure you of this, and I do not make a habit of bragging on myself and do not wish my statement to come across that way. But, if I were there on FOX, there would be no "deer in the headlight" look. And there would be no Larry Mac. If FOX were smart enough to hire me, they would listen to what I had to say about the person with whom I would share the booth and it would NOT be Larry Mac. However, as I did not win 84 races, in fact, not even one, I do not have the required credentials to be employed by FOX. I did, however, announce at the local track for three seasons, very successfully I might add. I am rarely at a loss for words and I enjoy talking about racing anywhere, anytime. Join us tonight on Racers Reunion Radio at 7:00 p.m. Eastern for Racing Through History and you'll get to hear a little bit of me.

I don't take lightly my attacks on D.W. nor my dislike of him because it goes against my grain. But I don't tolerate what I consider an ownership of the sports he thinks he has just because he is D.W. I would meet him face-to-face, in any K-Mart parking lot of his choosing, to discuss what I feel are his determinental actions to the overall acceptance of the sport by potential new fans and the total turn off he generates to the older fans. I do not think better of myself than I should, I don't believe, and it is rare that I go off on a tangent bragging about myself, but since this thread pertains to D.W., I guess I'm entitled.

Thanks for you addition to the post and I hope you will continue to participate in the activities of Racers Reunion. We need people like you.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Larry who?

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts


I have heard listened to you on numerous occasions and read your posts. I have found them all to be entertaining as well as informative. Heck, I enjoy 'em...I also commend you on your public speaking skills as you do a very good job with John Q. Public. I for one would be just as happy to have you in the booth as we know who.

As far as the headlights go, I said that I could not broadcast as good as D.W. The reference was made in light of me and my speaking skills certainly not at any other individual. Sorry if it came across that way.

I am sure that you would explain this to D.W. to his face at k-Mart and I would love to be there for the conversation as we all would. We all seem to feel the same about this subject. Your points are valid, for sure.

Now, I am glad that you seemed to enjoy my musings as I knew it was going to bring a hackle, just did not know from whom or where it would come. Thanks for the reply and all your contributions, I like 'em.


Russell Rector
14 years ago
80 posts

Remember Tim, all D.W. and Larry Mac like to do is here themselves speak. Of the 3 in the booth,Mike Joy is the only believable one.