Lou LaRosa on RacersReunion((Radio))

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Why do great innovators sometimes walk away?

Here's a heads-up/advance notice...Lou LaRosa will be our guest on Racing Through History Tuesday night May 31st.

This is sure to be a great interview with a guy who was certainly instrumental as an engine builder in Dale Earnhardt's career.

Here is an excerpt from an interview Kenny Bruce did for SceneDaily.com

I dont like the people in racing any more, LaRosa says. You can print that, I dont care. I dont think much of the racing. I wouldnt call it racing. All the cars are the same. When you can get a template that can fit a Toyota, a Dodge, a Chevrolet and a Ford ... [and] I know the engines are all about the same.

LaRosa walked away from the sport in 1989 after three championships and a bunch of wins...and doesn't care to share his opinions.

Be there!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I read the Kenny Bruce article and Lou says the same things I feel almost daily but no one cares to quote me on that. I'm very pleased someone like Lou will say those things and make a point of saying "you can print that". I am certain he will not make the NASCAR Hall of Fame and I would be surprised if NASCAR doesn't send someone in one of those black Suburbans with the tinted windows to take Mr. LaRosa to lunch like I was told the sports reporter encountered a couple years ago for saying things "detrimental to the sport of stock car racing". I am sure I encountered Mr. LaRosa from time to time as it was during those years I was in the pits most of the time with the press, but I do not recall every talking with him. I will look forward to Tuesday night because hearing from him is going to be a real treat.

Oh, and as for "actions determental to the sport of stock car racing" wouldn't you think someone who seeks to be a hero to young folks and even kids with the M&Ms car would set a better example than 128 in a 45? Isn't that "deterimental to the sport of stock car racing"? It's in the rule book. One of those rules to cover anything not approved by the sanctioning body. What am I missing here? Oh, and Lou, could you bring some of the M&M pretzels things Tuesday?


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Mike Sykes
14 years ago
308 posts
Lou is a hero to many crewman and crew chiefs from his era. He was not a yes sir man to anyone and spoke what he thought and as honestly as he could without giving trade secrets away. I have always admired him for what he brought to the sport. Even being a yankee was over looked by many..... LOL. A great guy that should be in the HOF someday.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®