Christmas Memories

Ken Sharpe
17 years ago
88 posts
Folks, with the time of the year that it is now, all our attention is turned towards Christmas. The time that we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. The birth of God's only Son. The Christ child, born over 2000 years ago in a lowly manger, to the Virgin Mary. His name shall be Jesus, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, and Savior to the world. Jesus, the Christ.Folks, during this season, there is happiness and sadness among us all, we must never forget the reason for this day and this always brings about happiness.I would like to invite those who would like to share with us all their favorite Christmas time memories. There is time for joy and reflections on the past.Please post below and May God bless you and your families at this time of the year.Pastor Ken SharpeRacers Reunion ChaplainLevel Cross, NC
updated by @ken-sharpe: 12/03/16 05:48:04PM
Jeff Gilder
17 years ago
1,784 posts
I have many form my childhood, but I think the ones that I now remember as most special are from later in life. Having a child to share Christmas with makes them special. Fortunatley I was raised in a houeshold where the true meaning of Christmas was taught and that alone makes them all very special. But what I miss the most are Christmas mornings with my father. He always got up very early and starting prepaing a huge breakfast. Other family members and neighbors often stopped by to visit and get in on those wonderful breakfast meals of country ham, sausage, tenderoin, bacon, eggs, bisquits, and gravy. He passed away in 1999 and I miss him very much.

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