Weyman Milam, early pioneer

Robert Turner
14 years ago
88 posts

Weyman Milam was one of the early organizers of racing in the south. He was one of the originators of theNational Stock Car Racing Association. He was involved with Indy car racing as well, having an entry in one of the Indy races in the 30's, he carried a photo of the car in his wallet. Brandon Reed has some good information on his life on the Georgia Automobile Racing Hall of Fame Association web site as well as his own Georgia Racing History.com web site so I won't duplicate it here. I had the pleasure of meeting him at West Atlanta and Dixie Speedways. He was involved with the promotion of the last two races held at the famed Lakewood Speedway's one mile dirt track.

updated by @robert-turner: 04/01/17 03:46:00PM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
He passed away back in the late 80's...I think.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Was that necessary?...in an otherwise quiet day?

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Taken from http://thunderroadusa.com

Weyman MilamWEYMAN CHESLEY MILAM SR.Born: April 15th, 1915 Atlanta, GA1935 Along with his brother Bill, worked under the apprentice of FredOffenhauser, producing officially licensed Offy engines in the South.

1945 After serving in the Army, worked out of Long Island forspeedboat record seeker, and bandleader Guy Lombardo.

1947 Officially incorporated in the National Stock Car RacingAssociation, conducting races with prominent promoters around theSoutheast such as Sam Nunis, Bruton Smith, Joe Littlejohn and BillFrance.

1948-1951 His NSCRA organization became the chief rival of Francesnewly formed NASCAR. (Sam Nunis and Bruton Smith remained withthe NSCRA until its demise in 1951.)

1953 With promoters and businessmen John Calviness, Neil Roberts,Ray McKay and Al Wells, he formed the SRE, the Southern RacingEnterprise Circuit.1973 Was presented the Reed Cams Award for forty three years ofService to Racing.

1979 Presented Outstanding Individual to Racing Award by the TriRacing Circuit.In 1968, during a figure eight race at Atlantas Peach Bowl Speedway,Weyman was hit and dragged around the track by a racecar. Thenewspapers reported him dead. Once he proved that report wrong, thedoctors did not expect him to live, or walk again at best. With severaloperations and therapy, he was back flagging again within a year.Weyman would tell you there is no greater family than your racingfamily. You can beat and bang on the track, but afterwards youre allfamily and theyre for each other no matter what.

Weyman died June 4, 1987.

There is obviously much more....

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts
I didn't read this item when originally posted and wasn't familiar with Mr. Milam. I always appreciate, though, reading of our sport's pioneers, especially the ones I didn't know. I'm glad Robert posted this. I'm kinda missing the "bashing" reference, but usually get around to at least glancing at all the posts. The last day or two I have had some incredibly enjoyable conversations with Jim Reep about old DiGard personnel and Wrangler Aviation cargo planes. I think maybe some noses have unneccessarily been bent out of shape. Let's try straightening them back out. We all love our stock car racing past, or we wouldn't be here.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Thanks Dave! I love these kinds of threads that start by someone posting a photo...questions...etc...and all the history that comes as the result.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Robert Turner
14 years ago
88 posts
Sorry I wasn't clearer on my post. I just wanted to add another photo to the great pioneers of our sport. I didn't get into the whole store of his life because I knew that Brandon Reed had some good material on him. I will try to be more specific next time.