So What if the Grandstands Just Burned Down? We've Got a Race to Run! Where's the Easter Bunny?

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

The late Richmond track promoter, Paul Sawyer (my employer for ten years and friend for longer) had many tales to tell of his days in racing. He owned modifieds driven by the late Joe Weatherly and then in partnership with Weatherly promoted tracks in Norfolk, Richmond and Wilson, NC. When Joe got a factory Ford ride, Sawyer began promoting on his own.

Paul Sawyer at His Richmond Track

In 1959, Sawyer had two NASCAR Grand National races scheduled for the fabled 1/2-mile dirt Wilson County, NC Speedway. The first race was scheduled on Easter Sunday, March 29, a date most promoters avoided like the plague. Not Sawyer. The only date he refused to promote a race was Mother's Day, as he was quick to point out when Atlanta chose that day to hold The Winston, one of the least attended races in the history of motorsports.

One hour before Time Trials were scheduled to begin for Sawyer's Easter Sunday Wilson show in 1959, the main wooden grandstand structure caught fire, probably from a dropped cigarette, and burned completely to the ground.

Sawyer's friend, Rocky Mount, NC native P.A. announcer Sammy Bland (The Racing Man) refused to abandon his perch at the top of the burning wooden stands and calmly directed the crowd to safety until his own life was in peril as the grandstand finally collapsed in ashes.

Sammy Bland, Left at an 80s Richmond Race with

Co-announcers Ray Melton & a Young Joe Moore

Along with the stands burning to the ground, Sawyer lost his tic ket selling operation under the stands. Never one to be fazed by adversity, Sawyer moved to the front of the Wilson County fairgrounds alongside U.S. Highway 301 and began selling tickets out of a suitcase until race time. Time trials were cancelled, starting positions drawnand a reported crowd of 8,800 race fans watched the race that Easter Sunday from behindthe catchfence surrounding the track. When the race concluded, Junior Johnson had pocketed $800 in his '57 Ford for beating Curtis Turner in his '59 T-bird to the finish line by 3 feet.

Before 1959's second WilsonGrand National race, Sawyer rebuilt the grandstands and added lights for night racing out of his own pocket at the track owned by the Wilson American Legion. For his actions, Virginia Beach resident Sawyer was made a life member of the Wilson, NC American Legion post.

I know we still have great promoters and great announcers in racing, but men like Sawyer and Sammy Bland were a cut above. If you never heard Paul Sawyer's friends Sammy Bland & Ray Melton announce races, you missed an earfull. And if you never met Paul Sawyer, you missed meeting a racer's racer.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 04/23/19 07:10:06AM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
Awesome story!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
I never heard that, Jim. Wish I could have met Joe.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
10 years ago
4,073 posts

From Milwaukee Sentinel

From Spartanburg Herald

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Bobby Williamson
10 years ago
907 posts

"Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please exit the grandstands, immediately please"

bill mcpeek
10 years ago
820 posts

lol, Sorry, I cant leave now, my guy just took the lead....

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,138 posts

In August 2011, RR member, Jack Walker re-posted a National Speed Sport News article from his Carolina Race Place site at our Wilson County Speedway Memories Club site

correcting that the announcer who safely got the fans out of the burning grandstand at Wilson was NOT Ray Melton (as I originally stated), but Sammy Bland ("The Racing Man") of nearby Rocky Mount, NC and another longtime Paul Sawyer friend. Bland was PR director at the time for the Wilson Track as well as host of a syndicated racing show sponsored by Ford Motor Company. I have corrected my original post.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 03/27/18 11:53:16AM
TMC Chase
8 years ago
4,073 posts

Bump re: Easter Sunday race on March 29, 1959 at Wilson

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dennis  Garrett
8 years ago
560 posts

[quote="Dave Fulton"] I never heard that, Jim. Wish I could have met Joe. [/quote]


Did you write :

So What If The Grandstands Just Burned Down? We've Got A Race To Run! Where's The Easter Bunny?

Or did Jim write it? 

Who is Jim?

I think you wish you met Joe Weatherly.

Dennis Garrett


Dave Fulton
8 years ago
9,138 posts

Yes, Dennis,. I wrote the original post. The Jim in my quote was a former RR member whose post no longer appears.  And, oh yes, I sure do wish I had met Little Joe. His old modified car owner and former partner, Paul Sawyer told me so many stories about Joe and Curtis Turner and their adventures that I really heard a lot.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Bobby Williamson
8 years ago
907 posts

That's a great story.... and one that could never happen today.  8800 fans! 

updated by @bobby-williamson: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Dave Fulton
8 years ago
9,138 posts

[quote="Bobby Williamson"]

That's a great story.... and one that could never happen today.  8800 fans! 


You're so right, Bopper.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
8 years ago
1 posts

It is a great story.  unblocked game I have never heared this before.

updated by @vivikos2: 09/10/17 11:51:57PM