Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Let me begin by saying I have tremendously enjoyed my role here at Racers Reunion as "The Legend" as a member, as a writer, radio co-host, and just generally someone who is on this site often. I have made many good friends here in my three years and have met many of those individuals in person. I have no intention of "going quietly into that good night, but I did get the feeling this evening that, perhaps, I don't belong in this group any longer. Please allow me to explain.

Jeff Gilder has told me, supported by Big D and many others, that I should watch the movie "Talladega Nights, the Ballad of Ricky Bobby". I had steadfastly refused to watch the movie because I have no respect for Will Farrell, do not appreciate his attempts at humor, and will go to any lengths to avoid any movie in which he appears. I had seen the "trailers" on TV and even the trailers were a huge turnoff for me.

I was in Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago and lying right on top of the $5.00 bin was the "unrated and uncut" dvd of the movie. That was just after Jeff practically "ordered" me to watch the movie. So, believing that fate was intervening, I paid the $5.00 plus the inflated tax you have to pay in Lexington County, and brought home the movie. I finally had the time to sit down tonight and watch that movie.

Back in the mid-seventies, when HBO was just getting started and I was a young pup living in a mobile home, a group of us would always get together on Friday evenings with a case or two of PBR, and tune in for the 11:00 p.m. HBO movie. This one particiular Friday night the feature was "Amazon Women on The Moon". One of the party boys who always attended was all for any movie that had :"women" in the title so he was primed and right when the movie started at 11:00. Until tonight, "Amazon Women on The Moon" was the worst movie I had ever seen. After "Talladega Nights", I wish I could find a dvd of "Amazon Women" because even that would be preferable to what I just watched.

"Talladega Nights" was the most thoroughly disgusting movie I have ever watched. The fact that NASCAR would even allow it's name to be mentioned in such trash shows me that it's all about "entertainment" or, perceived entertainment, than it is about competition. I will not enumerate all the points I found objectionable, but with the exception of getting to see Benny Parsons again, even though briefly, I regret the time I wasted but I can now say I have seen the movie.

So, if you've seen it and you like it, then Will Farrell has a fan and that is good for Will. If you saw it and didn't like it, then you and I have something in common. Not sure what I'll do with the dvd yet, but I don't think Wal-Mart will take it back once it's been watched. Maybe I'll put it on a string and hang it from the mirror in my truck. I just don't know. It does somewhat concern me, however, that I may not be Racers Reunion material after all.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 03/04/19 03:07:37AM
Robin L. Agner
14 years ago
169 posts
Tim it sounds like you and I have something in common. I too thought it was a disgusting attempt at making a movie.
Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
Tim, your biggest problem is that you were drinking PBR back in the day ..... That is like putting potato chips in a bowl of Cheerios ....:) It is all good bro
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

Damn you, Tim... had to go and spoil that movie for me before I saw it. Guess I will just pass on it now, lol. While I did consume what we called "Blues" in eastern NC, my beverage of choice had beechwood bubbles or was aged in charcoal lined vats. And, I not sure where you think you get off ripping Amazon Women on the Moon!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Richard, problem with you analysis is that during the watching of Amazon Women, I had very few of the PBR, Even so, a case would not have helped that movie. It started off terrible and got worse. By the time 20 minutes had passed I HAD to keep watching it because I sincerely believed NO movie could be THAT bad and it would surely get better. It never did. Neither did Talladega Nights.

Dave, believe me, there is no possible way to spoil Amazon Women. Watch it anyway. If you decide you like it, I'll buy you a case of PBR and you can watch it again.

Ed, my e-mail address is: I am looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Your event is the highlight of the year. What a great thing you guys do.

Robin, thanks for your support. But, you need to know that somtimes agreeing with The Legend is not in your best interest when it comes to some folks on this site. lol

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

paul crawford
14 years ago
64 posts
i too watched it once ( sadly )...a real waste of time/film..
Pete Banchoff
14 years ago
279 posts
Tim, i was waiting to hear your review, you said exactly what I thought you'd say. It's just awful and I can't give it another chance. Once is one too many!
Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

I have been told that the older a sword becomes the sharper it can be. With that said I grew up with the motto "Wine,Women and Racecars dont mix"so I passed on the Wine. I never smoked either so I guess I lost out on a lot of unpleasant events. Saturday nit live was not on my viewing schedule so Wil Farrel missed my remarks I guess. He did get my vote for being a vulgar person on some tapes I have heard him on. Talledega Nites is a very,very loose description of what racing is about. I think- = A personal opinion now = that he demeaned the Race Fans in Alabama.

Now as for you being on Racers Reunion, I will say this. You are very opinionated person. When you get in your little corner of that Man cave you carved out of Anns house you become very orchestrated in your beliefs of racing both past,present and future !!

The guy I met years ago was mellow,kinda quiet and fundamental at the track and yes I thought you were a calculated driver. Chances you did not take unless rewards were immediate.

As the years have come and gone you have become a person of statute both in your profession and in your passion here on Racers Reunion. Although I know you could still be a wheel man you are also known delegate for our sport and for R/R.

Now as for this mamby-jamby you have concocted of not being R/R material where did you read this? or was it a dream? Or was it wrote on the back of a stall door? True I have heard some talk of What did he say or better, He said that? But other than that you better set your carcass down and think of the rebuttal you will have to draft up to counter what those two grandkids are prepaired to levy on you.

You have made your bed here so now tough it out and get ready for Tuesday nite--You ait skeered of no Hill-billy Tennessee race car driver are ya? Didnt think so.

14 years ago
36 posts
What is disgusting is that there are fools out there who think it is funny to imitate the garbage that I hear is from that movie. First it was Austin Hubbard ( who is a really good kid and talented driver) when he won his first World of Outlaws late model race and more recently a preacher who ought to know better.
Jim Streeter
14 years ago
242 posts

Never saw Talledega Nights.

Saw Greased Lightning, they took too much "Dramatic Licence" in it.

In fact all Movies about Racing, Playing Football, Coaching Football, Flying Airplanes,Racing Boats, Chasing Women,Drinking too much, Acting on Stage, Doing Puppet Shows, Playing Santa Clause and many other things I have done, I just don't watch.

That allows me to see movies about Murder, Bank Robbers, traveling to the moon, etc.

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Tim, Seeing this movie is kinda like taking a course in high school algebra. It is a required course...most people don't like it...and few will ever use anything that came from it. But now you can put it on your resume. And you're not finished you have to watch "Oh Brother Where Are Thou" (nothing to do with racing...just required). When you've completed this course and written your report, Big D and I will confer to determine what else is needed enlighten your Legendry.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

One other thought, that I have made before... guess I have seen all the "racing" movies at one time or other and the best IMHO remains Tiny Lund, Hard Charger, which was shot as a racing documentary. I saw it in the original mid-60s theater release and wish a copy were available. I'd sure like to see it again. Three things I remember about it:

1) The great opening credits... With the 1963 Dave Dudley hit "Six Days on the Road" pounding, we are (ostensibly, and maybe really) looking out the windshield of Tiny Lund's hauler as he travels from race to race, with the Interstate road signs passing overhead with names like Daytona Beach, Richmond, Charlotte, etc.

2) The real time documentary shooting with real racing and track personality interaction.

3) A dust-up between Tiny and Curtis Turner... at Daytona I think, in a preliminary event, that led to some pretty colorful language for the day.

I might be greatly disappointed to see that movie today, but I somehow think it would be even better. I know we've previously done a thread(s) about the best racing movies, but I bet this one would still stack up near the top because it was the real thing... no actors, no Amazon women, no fake wrecks (ever notice how Rod Eulenfeld starts a huge crash in every racing movie?), no fake dialogue, just at track stuff and racing as it really unfolded in the mid 60s. Just wish thay could have gotten Tiny's Beltsville GN win that I was privileged to see.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
N.B. Arnold
14 years ago
121 posts

I agree with all of the previous afore mentioned reviews of this attempt at a movie. Movies are supposed to entertain, or have some sort of social merit. I think this could be a sort of reverse psychcology thing. A movie like this lets you know just how far amiss our sport has gotten, and makes you more appreciate the days we were witness to.

Give me a 'Thunder In Carolina' again.

Hey, at least you still have 'Night of the Living Dead' to fall back on, either black and white or color!

Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts
Where is D with my Waffle House Joke when I need it??
Dave Symonds
14 years ago
1 posts

I suffered through it because a friend wanted to see it. Your review is dead on.

Thank you for giving me an idea of how I can get payback for her making me sit through it!! "Amazon Women on the Moon" you say? Heh heh heh

Thomas K. Craig
14 years ago
53 posts
Jeff, we definetly have to get The Legend to watch Oh Brother where art thou? I thought that was a great movie myself. But Talladega Nights its good to get on your resume and watch it but in my opinion nothing but an absolute waste of my time.