Occoneechee Speedway on Speed TV

Frank Craig
14 years ago
71 posts

We finally got some national tv exposure.Speed TV did a story on Occoneechee on their show Race Hub.The segment was called Where Are They Now.It was on Thursday Oct/6.They did a great job on the speedway and the Historic Speedway Group.I would like to thank all of our members and our sponsors and especially to Racers Reunion because without all of their help we would not have our event and our race track.Hope to see everyone on November/4 and the 5th.Thanks to everyone.HSG.We will be showing the video at the show.

updated by @frank-craig: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
You will see me Frank. I hope to stay over and come to the Sunday event as well this year. Thanks for all you guys do up there. And Ann should be with me this year!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.