Time to Evaluate....again

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Each year, we take a look at the activity on our sites and determine what if any changes are necessary. It is that time again. As always, I value your input.

A while back we eliminated four of the lesser used sites and kept the stock car, drag, open wheel, dirt, local, and show car sites.

At this time the local and the show car sites are used very little with the local site being used the least. The dirt and open wheel sites are not far behind. I hate to eliminate either the dirt of open wheel sites because of their place in history, but am looking strongly at the local site.

Then the idea of having a current NASCAR site keeps arising. I'm considering whether I should can the local site and create a "current" racing site that could still serve the current short track racing stuff as well as current NASCAR. The question...will anyone use it.

This (stock car) site has been moderated heavily to only allow historical content in the photo and video galleries while our forum has found new life with an abundance of "current" topics. Historical topics move off the board very quickly due to the volume of current topics being posted. While I appreciate the activity and the traffic it brings, I'm continually reminded by some of our members that the RR forum may be becoming just another current racing forum. Do we need to add a current racing site?

We are always trying to provide the best experience possible.

So this is your chance to have some input. Give your ideas. Don't hold back.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
13 years ago
622 posts

As you know, Daddy-J, and others here who know me, I am "partial" to the Stock Car racing history and to the Show Car site, as I like looking at the old show cars. And I like visiting the Drag site as well. I would drop the Local and Dirt as they are not being visited nearly as much. Maybe a current short track site would be in order.

N.B. Arnold
13 years ago
121 posts

I agree with the K.I.S.S. method. I think it really helps weed out too much stuff so you don't get lost in the clutter. I love finding the historic vlaue of things noted. I also check in to view the current news, so to speak. I find out a lot of things, especially about the folks you never hear anything about unless it makes the "news". A lot of us don't have the social media tools to keep up with a lot of fodder that people think you have got to know in the real world and don't care to.

Perhaps leaving forum would be a good thing for current news and views, while a historic catagory, say archieve,could be used to educate and have features and finds and historical content.

TMC Chase
13 years ago
4,073 posts

Could it be as simple as creating a group/club here for folks interested in contemporary issues? Join if you'd like? If I remember the structure of this site, forum posts within a group don't show up in the overall front page time line. Therefore, those who want to participate in the discussion of current racing themes could do so through that focal group. We have them for drivers, tracks, crew chiefs, books, music and even a Legend. Why not for current issues?

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Wasnt there a member just the other day that tried to post some racing photos from <I guess Daytona area< but I guess they were current photos of todays cars and he couldnt find them That would be the current stuff you are talking about... I have tried to keep the dirt alive to the expectations but if it has to go ---well we will have to fly the flag at half mask-----------------------------------------------------memories

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

All good comments. The thing I like about our forum they way it is displayed now...is that one can see the actual posts. A category listing does not show that. I'll put it up later today so you can see what I mean.

TMC's, suggestion of a group for current stuff is also a good one. I 'll get that up today as well.

Most folks who use the sitegaugewhat is inside by what they see on the main page. This main page view is what attracted me to this format from the beginning. Most social network platforms are more like facebook with profile pages and a comment wall. While we have profile pages with comment walls, our uniqueness lies in the main page format that brings a little of everything inside to the front.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I moved the category listing to the front page, so members can choose "out front" where to post and read. These categories have always been there...members have always had the option to read and post by category.

What we loose here is the front page (main page) visibility of activity.

Please note...by clicking the "Forum" tab from the nav bar, one can view the latest posts across all categories.

One can always scan the activity feed (center column) for the latest activity on the site.

Also...the "Top Content" feature has been moved to the left side of the site and shows the most popular features at any time.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jim Wilmore
13 years ago
488 posts

Jeff, Instead of just a Dirt Track page how about broaden it to say Local Short Tracks Racing History or just Short Tracks Racing History, News, and Discussion. I'd be willing go over to the dark side in order to avoid all the NASCAR chatter on the main page.

Unless all these young people that are flooding in are living under social welfare and don't work I can't imagine them having all this time to spend on RacersReunion unless they are die-hard racing buffs like Cody Da` Man Dinsmore. I would love to engage with the youth but I know all too well that the young don't have time to engage with me, it ain't happening. I use to go to these Airborne Reunions when I was in the 82nd and all these old timers from WWII to Vietnam would be there dying to tell you a story. I would listen with respect and show them all the dignity they deserved but when that dinner was over and we were free to go out on the town I wasn't hanging with them no more and would leave my heroes to talk amongst themselves and tell their stories. Besides, they tired easily. Here's my point; this site is so unique because it's tailored for those of us that have lived a a long colorful life and now would like to relive it with people that are like US. Why else would you engage on here unless you enjoyed their company? But with the main forum clouded up with current NASCAR stories I'm no longer feeling the "US" effect, not feeling the love and I'm not alone. Bottom line, we so-called old timers need a place to hang out and tell our stories and don't feel we are wasting our time. I'd like to add a discussion on the main page but what's the use, it get lost in the shuffle and I don't have that much time to write since I'm still working 8-12 hours a day, some nights, and some weekends. I don't have all this freedom to sit in front computer or television and keep up with all of NASCAR's latest drama. Jeff, if you just changed the dirt page to a Local Short Track Racing History, News, and Discussion we would be happy, that's if enough folks would come over. I think many are stuck on the main page and don't know how to navigate away.

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts


Thanks for you input.

Take a look at the way the main page now reflects the forum feature. You may choose whichever category you wish to follow and post. The negative...none of the post are displayed on the main page under the forum, rather in the activity feed and the individual categories.

For whatever reason, the Local site has not worked. I added it so that local racers whether veterans or young up-and-comers could post their car and team pics. It also provides a place for the local tracks to post their races and other events. The key to making it work is to get them to start using it. Any traffic generated attracts more traffic via organic searches from the search engines and referrals.

I'm for keeping the dirt track site...just that...a dirt only site. One thing I've learned is that true dirt track fans do not like asphalt racing. Right now it can be dirt track history and current stuff. I like that. I'm not ready to make a change there...yet.

I'd like to see the Local site work. I really think it has a place on RacersReunion. Our mission has always been to support local short track racing in addition to preserving racing history.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts


Take a look at the current Forum feature representation in the main page. I'd like you input.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

One of my goals has always been to air out the then and now comparisons. I think that is an important part of the overall celebration of history. We can't avoid that comparison, so why not embrace it and provide a platform for that discussion...?

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

The Forum categories have always been there. I have the option to display actual posts on the main page or just the categories. In the past I have chosen to display the actual posts because I believe that invites more discussion.

It is apparent most folks do not know how to find the categories to post and comment accordingly. Soooo, I'll put the categories out front and see if thathelpsthesituation.

I do not want to eliminate current NASCAR discussion on this site. It is of major importance, it isrelevant, and it always triggers the then and nowcomparisonthat I believe is needed.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I want to make something clear here. I put this comment in some of my responses, but felt I should make a separate comment. I do not ever want to discourage discussion about current racing on this site. Those discussions are vital,relevant, and bring thousands of visits from folks who find out about us and many return for our historical content.

We're just looking for a way for folks to enjoy the entire experience.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

--------------------------People who come to this site (Racers Reunion in general) are mostly interested or nosy as to what makes it tick. Almost everyone has at one time or another interacted with some aspect of the site whether it was photos,the radio show or the great information mill it has. At times on here I have heard some say Bah-Hogwash to a few episodes .. The photos that get presented for acceptance are second to none in 99% of the time. For example Rons photos are OLD SCHOOL, no one puts up a continuance of great old cars at tracks,not static displays for all to enjoy. The information factor on the site is greater than anywhere I know. You can put out a question,plea,or whatever and some one will find the answer or info you request.. (and all at no charge) Take PKL for example,she has more info in her fingers just waiting to attack the keys with than Nascar has..

That Yankee up in New York has more info in against all odds that DW cares to mess with and that guy setting on the lake in NC is the best all around DJ going save perhaps that guy that does that announcing about clapping your feet.. My opinion to it all is that some of it gets a little offkilter after a time. The individual posts by some get carried away (sometimes) over the same subject.

Maybe a current events sector would survive for some to place todays race car photos, and heck there is Robbie out there with his trusty Steed just knocking cones over every weekend and he should be able to display his work on any given weekend.

Bottom line Jeff you are my hero because you are gifted with a little patience,not to much though,to endure what has been shoved in front of you by some and laughed about it. Dustin has the power to mute you for a minute or two till things get printable, so you see we are a big family and growing,thats the good side...

There are some that would like to step up in your place but to this day there is no one out there thats capable.

Your moves on the site have always in the long run been positive so continue on !!!!!!!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

I am too old, too set in my ways and I guess was enjoying this site way too much.

I shall not be candid.

I like absolutely nothing about the change.

The posted discussions were what attracted me and kept me here.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I like the historical aspect of stock car racing. But, I have thoroughly enjoyed the modern topics and using them as a forum to compare.

Perhaps I have way over posted. Whatever, I don't like the change at all and will be hoping that somewhere else out there on the internet there may be an undiscovered site that will allow me to do what I enjoyed doing here.

I've met many terrific folks on this site and have enjoyed the diverse opinions, but if I want to have to hunt and peck and search through categories again, then RR will be just like all those other sites I abandoned because you couldn't see the discussions. Seeing the interesting discussions was what attracted me here and kept me here when Jim Wilmore and Bobby Williamson invited me on the site Local Race Chat to check this place out. Now, suddenly we have changed this site to resemble all those other failing sites.

My opinion. Personally, I think you've ruined the place.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Dave, If you click on "Forum" under the "Engage" tab you will see exactly what you saw before. We changed absolutely nothing except swapped the category display with the Forum Feed display. EVERYTHING is exactly as it was...no difference whatsoever. To make a post you do exactly the same thing as you did before.,,,no more hunting...no more pecking...than you did before.

Once you click the "Forum" tab (which is exactly what you will have to do at any other "undiscovered" internet site) you are right where you were before. This site is unique in that we have the option to show those live feeds in a variety of places. The activity feed still shows every post made...don't have to kook anywhere except in the center column.

I don't understand why you of all people are making such a big deal out of this very simple change. This is how the site was originally designed and is exactly how any other site with a forum is organized. Think about that for minute.

I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but if you are going to leave our site over a very simple change that we make to improve the site for ALL members to enjoy...so be it.

You are always welcome here and your contributions and insights are greatly appreciated. We have valued your membership here very much!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts


I apologize for not understanding how to easily get to the discussion content I have enjoyed in the past. I don't care for the change, but I appreciate the navigation lesson. In the past I have always been able to click on "Main" to instantly have all the discussions update and return. Do I have to go through the process every time of again clicking on Forum, then Discussion after that to return to an updated Discussion page, or is there a simple way not to have to jump through all those hoops?

I remain confused.

I am not a good tech student.

To me this change is awkward (I know you say it is the way the site was before I was introduced), but if it is what folks want, then so be it. Seems to me it will cut down on discussions by complicating the process, but then again, that's probably because I don't understand an easy way to do what I had gotten used to doing.


"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I admit that I personally like the feed on the main page better than under the forum tab. That is why I put it our there a couple of years ago. I created the site and know my way around it....But for some reason most folks can't / couldn't find the other categories in which to post their favorite content. So putting the categories out front solves that issue. I agree that seeing the content on the main page probably gets more people involved in the discussions. It is yet to be seen if this new format entices more people to post ...more variety. This is something that has been an ongoing concern from a variety of members....hope it works. Time will tell.

While I love the history of racing, I still love being involved in current racing, too. This site will always provide for folks to discuss current racing, it would be ridiculous to eliminate that content from a racing site. It is relevant and necessary. I appreciate so much what you have brought to our site, Dave. Thank you!.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®