2013: Danica, Dale Jr. and Daytona ... oh my!

Johnny Mallonee
12 years ago
3,259 posts

It seems as though the media and reporters are grasping for something here. Now they put two items together with a third ,was that the intent?? Or was it a pitch to draw more drooling eyes to their pages. I know this is known as the silly time of the year,kinda like going to the store hunting a new cap to wear, look at all the choices,going from blue and white,red and black and green and black. Which do you choose? With a number,a color scheme or a special name.

they use Daytona's name and true many are waiting patiently for the green flag and many many follow Jr because,well because he is Jr. B U T Danica ? I dont think she will do a photo shoot on the beach because thats not Nascar, OR WILL SHE

Time will only tell ,,,,,or will you???

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

I just have one question about all these Danica photo shoots and product endorsements.

Does Jeff Gilder check the time on a TISSOT watch when he gets his monthly GoDaddy statement?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Andy DeNardi
12 years ago
365 posts

This shows why Dave DeSpain is the best motorsports correspondent that Speed employs:

Q: What level of performance do you expect to see out of Danica Patrick this year and how would you define a successful season for her? Is this a must-perform year for her?

Danica visited Race Hub for our first show of the season, and I was impressed with her realistic expectations. She and crew chief Tony Gibson told me they dont expect to win races or contend for championships right away, but she must learn how to improve as the race goes on and work her way toward the leaders and race with them. Finishing in the top 20 in points would be a good rookie season for Danica.
--Danielle Trotta, co-host of NASCAR Race Hub

I dont expect Danica to ever be confronted with a must-perform year. Through seven years in Indy cars, she won a single fuel-mileage derby and led only 124 of a possible 17,837 laps. She was hardly a week-in, week-out contender for wins; yet when she left the series, ranked 12th in driver points, some people asked with a straight face if IndyCar could survive her departure. The point is that Danicas success is based not on performance but on celebrity. And as long as she remains an attractive female celebrity participating in a male-dominated sport, she will generate lots of fan interest which in turn will insure her a big sponsor. And as long as she had a big sponsor, she will also have a good ride, regardless of her results.
--Dave Despain, host of Wind Tunnel

Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,784 posts

She sent me one as a present...but I really do not like wearing watches, Ya know constantly being reminded of...what time it is. Who cares what time it is anyway? Certainly not me. And now it's just a reminder that she chose....Ricky.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Johnny Mallonee
12 years ago
3,259 posts

Did someone say Jeff got looked over??? See what that causes,every time ---a loss in concentration