This years race had the usual prerace chatter to it including the chatter out of the mile high sky box crowd. But after you get away from that there was a new stir in the air. True with Danica being on the pole that was a major plus for Nascar but the drivers were not as settled and content as usual.
The car they were casually driving around the track was calm and peaceful looking---until you get up close and personal with it. I saw several shots from the incar cameras and the car side panels especially around the rear wheels were really buckling and do not tell me this has no effect on the stability of a car close to the wall OR another car. Also if you watched the roof it was buckling also,never got to see the hood or the area around the splitter. Evidently these new cars are lacking in rear stability in a close pack because when one would get up close to a car it looked like the nose of the rear car took a different attitude and the center of the hood area bowed up. This is an area that I bet will be looked at Concord. I dont think they can duplicate two or three cars running at speed in that wind tunnel .
The cars do look different from each other on the track,due to some crafty decal work but there are true differences in the body pieces but still have to meet the close tolerance of the Laser,Jeff found that out this morning going to final inspection. I heard it took three times for him to clear customs, kinda like flying and clearing that screenings they do at the airport.
You didnt hear any noise from the drivers but I bet there are many a buzz with Crewchiefs and Car builders.
TRD or Toyota will be busy I bet with those cars having mechanical issues, That doesnt set to good with the general public being as their engine is their own Design. I really miss seeing the Dodge out there and bet Bad boy Brad does too.
Now our distinguished panel of experts here on R/R will dissect this and their point of view will be posted A N D then Nascar and Fox will have something of importance to relate to this week. on their shows.
But on the plus side all the injured fans are on their way to recovery and I hope everyone here says a short word of thanks to our maker for looking over and allowing them a speedy recovery ! ! !

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM