The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

I have refrained from comment on this subject during the past two weeks. I cannot, however, continue to remain silent on this ridiculous assault on Southern Heritage by the WHITE LIBERALS who are pushing this issue. It is not the African-Americans of the South who are, for the most part, offended by the Battle Flag of the Confederacy. This current movement to desecrate the flag and all things Southern is just another attempt by the WHITE LIBERALS and the corrupted folks of the Al Sharpton movement to erase a part of the history of this Country. Shameful.

I have readin the news, and also saw it reported on television news, that they are asking for removal of the Southern Generals from Stone Mountain in Georgia. Ridiculous!!! TVLand, a network I once enjoyed for the older television shows, decided to remove The Dukes of Hazzard from the lineup because of the Confederate Flag on the roof of The General Lee.No more TVLand in this house. There is also a movement already started by petition to remove the book "Gone With The Wind" from libraries and to prevent showing of that movie at any venue. Do you see my point yet as to how ridiculous this entire situation has become.

It is unfortunate that a mentally disturbed young man chose to have his photo taken with the Confederate flag before killing nine innocent people at a church in Charleston, SC. My heart goes out to those families and I deeply regret their loss. It was not, however, that flag that caused this tragedy in spite of what the liberal press would have us believe.

I am embarrassed to be a South Carolinian after our Governor and assorted politicians were before television cameras before the first funeral of those lost in the tragedy. The television networks had a field day as our Governor said the flag will be removed, assuring us that the legislature would act, post-haste, to accomplish this. A special session will be called to take action on this flag removal within the next ten days. Never mind the fact that that same legislature had six months to try to repair our highways withOUT any action. This "knee-jerk" reaction by South Carolina government is absurd.

We have seen,even on the national news last night, that NASCAR does not want the Confederate flag flown at their events and are offering fans a free exchange of an American Flag for a Confederate flag. Brian Z. France has made such statements on the subject as to prove beyond all doubt that he must have been adopted as there is no way he can be a true France. As Jackie Gleason said to his "son" in Smokey and the Bandit, "There is NO WAY you came from my loins." Joie Chitwood and his statements officially removed any respect I ever had for that man.

I did not see it, but I had a call from a very good friend of mine this morning, and someone who is well respected in the world of NASCAR racers, who told me of Kyle Petty and Dale Jarrett on the NBC Sports Channel making statements strongly supporting NASCAR on this issue. Of course we've already heard from Dale, Jr. and Jeffy on the subject. I can only believe Dale and Kyle were instructed by both NASCAR and NBC to "Walk the Line" on the issue.

I'll probably get chastised for this, and this post may even be deleted by management for this, but I'm going to say it anyway. This country, more than any other, is so focused on an incorrectly perceived political correctness that common sense, nay ANY sense is gone. It no longer exists. What NASCAR is doing with its uncalled for action is putting the last nail in the coffin of the sport for the fans such as I. NASCAR you have deserted your base, trashed your heritage, and are expecting support from groups that have absolutely no interest in supporting you. Can you not see that?

I am not a racist. I truly do judge a person by his or her character, not by the color of their skin, their gender or even their sexuality. I am not even going to use the term "I have black friends" because it is better said that I have friends. The fact that some have darker tans than do I is of no consequence. I am in disbelief at what I'm hearing and seeing in response to the Confederate Flag.

One final statement,and this should really get the conversations and bombshells going. NASCAR, I am offended that Toyota is in NASCAR. My Daddy fought the Japanese Empire throughout the Pacific and lost many of his friends on islands like Iwo Jima and Leyete. Yet, here is this Japanese automaker running their junk on the NASCAR tracks. I find that offensive, very offensive. Sure, I know the argument that Toyotas are made in the U.S.A. Really? Yes,some are, at plants where the workers receive half the salaries of those in other plants here. Where do the net profits end up? Japan, of course. Oh, and as for that made in the U.S.A. argument, visit your local Toyota dealer and look at the stickers in the windows. More than 80% of the new Toyotas are manufacturer in Japan.

So there!! Better read this quick folks because I'm sure the political correct police will be here soon. Oh,Lord, I just saw a Toyota Prius drive my The Lair slowly!!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 05/05/21 09:20:41AM
bill mcpeek
10 years ago
820 posts

AMEN TIM....!!!!!

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Our old ROOTS are getting a second wind Tim. As you say I do not see color until you rub it in my face.. That flag stands for heritage not hate . If it were otherwise how did it stay up on the pole all these years. Some one found a way to fire up the general public in the south. Although this is not a place to raise this argument our site (RACERS REUNION) is it considered not race worthy ??

Eric Cardona
10 years ago
196 posts

That was beautiful, Tim.

Harvey Tollison
10 years ago
226 posts

I'm offended by Toyota and Brian France , ban them both from NASCAR and take Joey Chitwood with them !

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts


Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Me too Johnny. Hanging on the wall here in The Lair, is a centerfold shot from Stock Car Magazine from this race wher Johnny Reb is riding in the front with the Confederate Flag, King Richard is sitting on the convertible bootwith an R.C. Cola, and yours truly is on the trunk of the pace car with the "Plymouth 43" flag. We were on the way from Victory Lane to the Press Box. I have NOT been informed by Brian that my Plymouth 43 flag will be banned from the tracks but no matter, there is no longer a Plymouth in the field. Oh, and that race was the one in which Richard broke his Dad's record for number of wins and Richard autographed that flag as we got to the Press Box. Still have that flag too.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

One thing that cant be taken from us is our memories of how it was AND our ability to tell it like it was

Blane Moon
10 years ago
113 posts

Great article.

Harlow Reynolds
10 years ago
214 posts



Dennis  Garrett
10 years ago
560 posts


THERE IS AN PETITION TO CHANGED THE NAME OF THE "Confederate Hills Recreation Center"
302 Lee Avenue | Henrico, VA 23075 | Phone: (804) 737-2859

Thanks for any information or photos posted.
Dennis Garrett

Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

I was with you until the Toyota comments. Great article until then.

If we refuse Toyota then we should refuse all the other foreign products .

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Well going in to turn one if you glance to the left you will see this image And Twitter is alive with other photos showing the Stars and Bars shining in the wind.. Dont guess Mr Chitwood got the word out or maybe the pot wasnt good enough for the good ole boys. I kinda like the Ga flag showing dont you !!

Robin L. Agner
10 years ago
169 posts

Great article Tim!

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Thanks for reading and commenting Dennis. Even if we don't agree on the Toyotas, it's great to have you here on RacersReunion and participating. Thank you.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Johnny, I was hoping some would show the spirit and it appears they did. Hope you went over and shook their hands!!! Have fun, be safe.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Thanks, Robin.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Leon Phillips
10 years ago
626 posts

Thanks for posting Tim

Christopher Krul
10 years ago
119 posts

So is NASCAR going to have to blur out all the Rebel flags in old films?? Are the history books going to have to change the names of the races like REBEL 500 to something else??

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Naa we gonna continue to fly them high and proud

The American way

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

From my friends who were at Daytona and kept me updated as to the flag count, thank you. This may be the first overt attempt by NASCAR to intimidate the fans they have left and it appears to me as though the intimidation did not work. What's next, the flag police? Will be interesting to see what happens at Darlington on Labor Day.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Harlow Reynolds
10 years ago
214 posts

That's a great idear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111


Eric Cardona
10 years ago
196 posts

How many flags were there?

10 years ago
167 posts

Nicely done Tim! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. In my opinion, you are right on target.

Jeff Gilder
10 years ago
1,784 posts
We've always refrained from mixing politics with racing here on RR, but NASCAR chose to do so. So, in my opinion this is fair game. No worries, Tim, I'm not interested in deleting this post...especially if doing so lumps me in with those politically correct police to which you referred. I think you're right on target. NASCAR should choose their battles more cautiously. I think they just lost another drove of fans....something they cannot afford.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dennis  Garrett
10 years ago
560 posts



Thanks for any information or photos posted.
Dennis Garrett

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Will, I am always honored when you agree with my feelings. Even when you don't I'm still honored that you take time to comment! Thank you.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Thanks Jeff. Just wait until The Legendtorial tonight!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

Aww Dennis, I thought I was your hero??!!??

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Alex FL Racing Fan
10 years ago
221 posts

"So there!! Better read this quick folks because I'm sure the political correct police will be here soon. Oh,Lord, I just saw a Toyota Prius drive my The Lair slowly!!!!!"

You were so obviously hamming it up when you wrote this line.

Tim Leeming
10 years ago
3,119 posts

So, Alex, before Jeff makes the comment, I will say I am ALWAYS hamming it up. Nice of you to notice!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Good choice of political wisdom there Jeff -- Nascar at least from what I saw over the weekend seems to be walking around in a daze, Watch the officials in the videos from the race,seems like they are daresome to make a move

Alex FL Racing Fan
10 years ago
221 posts

I wish you the best of luck Perry because this is going to turn VERY ugly once the hell that will show up below your comment breaks loose.

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,138 posts

I have to concur, Perry. I grew up in Richmond, "Capital of the Confederacy" - but we had better sense than to fly the Confederate flag from Thomas Jefferson's statehouse there. Heritage is a wonderful thing, but I just don't get the idea of flying that flag on a state capital's grounds. By the way, I once sported the stars & bars on the front of my '57 Chevy, below my Virginia tag and I'm a pretty competent student of southern history. I've just seen way too much mixing of apples & oranges during the whole debate.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

Yeah its good to know in the morning there will be no hate left in SC. The birds will be singing louder, the sky will be blue from now on, people will not have to lock their doors anymore, everyone from Jessie Jackson to Al Sharpton will be saying nice things about us white guys and every black boy in the state can get a job and wear his pants below his knees while on the job. We won't have to look at images of those old Rebel Soldiers who fought to defend their wives and children. What a great state SC will be much like Illinois, no wait they still shoot each other (54 last week) even without the Confederate flag. Maybe we can be like New York, no wait they have more crime than Illinois so that's not good. At least South Carolinians can rest at night knowing their Gov. Nikki is on the job protecting the churches from anyone who would do harm to them, no wait some churches have been burned since she decided to take down the hate symbol of the world. I guess we should accept the fact Nikki thinks anyone who likes the flag and their heritage is a hater and can always go to Walmart and buy a Isis cake but not the General Lee. You know that is something to be proud of! It's good to know there are at least two people that are proud Americans, Perry and Michelle Obama.

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,138 posts

Way off base, partner - but, then, Perry's neighbor & friend, Bud Moore fought to defend your right to share those thoughts..

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

A lot of people fought for the freedoms we use to have and we should be thankful for their service. Even some ole Rebels won a few victories and forced Lincoln to modify his stance on states rights. Lincoln use to be for states rights before he was against them. I wonder if Bud ever entered one of his cars in the Rebel 400? Would that make him a racist? TIC

Harvey Tollison
10 years ago
226 posts

Noticed did not show a Confederate flag anywhere at Daytona !

Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

Perry, Sorry you missed the obvious sarcasm of the question. When someone puts TIC in their comment it means Tongue in Cheek. So what you think was my ignorance was actually your own lack of understanding of the practice of making fun of something without pointing to the obvious. I will disregard your bigoted comment after that.

Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

Richmond doesn't need a flag to show their love of the Confederacy and slavery when they have all those monuments of the heroes of the Rebel cause right there in the middle of downtown. LOL Just wait for the calls to tear down those symbols of hate.

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Hey Harvey -- I was kinda early there Sunday and first thing I saw was this among others set up and yes they were there in numbers

Johnny Mallonee
10 years ago
3,259 posts

Well as some of you probably already know the flag is down at the capitol

But cheer up,we still have the green and checker flag to remember it byCirca 1970s engraving of the post-Civil War South Carolina state flag, showing the influence of the Confederate battle flag.

Dennis  Garrett
10 years ago
560 posts




Thanks for any information or photos posted.
Dennis Garrett
Richmond,Va. USA

Dennis Nelson
10 years ago
6 posts

Is someone a racists if they have a rebel flag on their race car? According to some like Al Sharpton, Gov. Nikki, Nascar and others you would be.

Dennis  Garrett
8 years ago
560 posts

Somehow I missed this June 15, 2016 political correctness news article on loopthe  petition to rename J.E.B. Stuart High School, an institution named for a Confederate General.

Big Hollywood Plays the Role of Bully in Fairfax County

Update of above article: Estimate $700,000 cost to tax payers will be over $1,000,000 to rename J.E.B. Stuart High School.

updated by @dennis-garrett: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Dave Fulton
8 years ago
9,138 posts

It doesn't get much more Confederate than Hanover County's Lee-Davis High School in Mechancsville, Virginia, whose Confederates celebrate Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis.

That school is not far from Richmond (International) Raceway.

Frankly, I was surprised that it never became an issue that Hillary Clinton's Democrat VP runnng mate, Jim Gilmore lives on Richmond's Confederate Avenue. I surely expected a huge outcry from the Democratic faithful when that became known, but the campaign managed to keep that away from the  national media.



"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 07/29/17 11:21:28AM