Who should be the next short track racer to be inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame?

Patrick Reynolds
8 years ago
251 posts

Posted on the Speedway Report site. Who do you think should be the next short tracker inducted into the NASCAR hall of Fame?


updated by @patrick-reynolds: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Patrick Reynolds
8 years ago
251 posts

Billy, I just updated the link, gave it a test, and it worked fine. Please give it another try. 

It may have been a broken story link which happens on all websites from time-to-time. I'm not sure but it does work now when I just tried it. Give her a click and let us know if there is any further trouble.

Jeff Gilder
8 years ago
1,784 posts

[quote="Billy Biscoe"]

When  I wanted to try to read P/R post on this worthwhile subject I clicked on the (highlighted) blue lines to be able to respond with my own thoughts. Then a orange stripe appears at the top of the page with of all things ( Invaild topic ID) ? ? ? ? what am I doing wrong ? ? ? ?

Dear J/G: I know this was a MUST CHANGE for you but ! ! ! ! !

This new site has me tech challenges that I have never been exposed to before. I don't do Facebook I have a very old cell Flip-phone, It's all I can do at home to set the digital clock on our micro-wave. I'm lost on any CONFUSER but right at home on my work bench in my shop ! I really TRY every day to navigate this site but either I'm STUPID or D/A ? (insert your comments here)! Just judging from the topics that used to be posted on the older web-site it seems everyone is stumbling on the new pages, not just lil ol' me .I relate this new R/R site to when CoCa-Cola came out with their New and Improved Coke flavors. It didn't take them long to figure out that was a BIG mistake . I would be willing to become a web-site member and pay a subscribers fee to be able to navigate a more familiar E-Z pages.

Regards from Arustyracer.

[/quote] Billy, I sure how hope the site becomes more familiar to you the more you use it. We love seeing your comments. But, just as you did in this post, you're able to post on the forum very well. That's 90% of the battle. The link to Patrick's article has nothing to do with this site. The traffic on the site is actually up from the old site since making the change. I think you'll get used to it if you give it some time. As I remember, it took a while for folks to learn to navigate the old site, too....me included. Unlike Coke, we're not going back. It's here to stay...this was not a mistake. It was necessary. If we had not made this change, we would have been without a site. In my opinion losing the site and 9 years of work would have been the mistake. I thought it was worth preserving, so I chose to make the investment in this platform.

As for subscription models. I realize there are some new sites  and old sites out there that require them .But most folks will not...long term keep up with website subscriptions. Those models, historically have yielded far less traffic than free models. Back in the beginning of RR, we attempted to make membership a requirement to view our content, and it killed the site's traffic. That was a FREE membership. There's far too much content out there on the web for a subscription model to ever work in today's world in my opinion. Our content is free and always will be. 

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 02/09/17 09:50:49AM
Dave Fulton
8 years ago
9,137 posts

Just a FYI - I clicked on Patrick's original link 2 days ago using my Android based tablet and the link took me straight to he Speedway Report column without a problem.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
8 years ago
1,784 posts

[quote="Dave Fulton"]

Just a FYI - I clicked on Patrick's original link 2 days ago using my Android based tablet and the link took me straight to he Speedway Report column without a problem.


Thanks Dave. It worked for me as well. 

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®