AND THE WINNER IS----------Couple #22

Johnny Mallonee
14 years ago
3,259 posts

Its going to be a Boggie Woogie type race next Sundasy. Watch and see,if you dont have a good dance partner you wont be in the hunt.

You dont have to be the fastest as Kirt showed you Sat. nite but you got to have someone you trust, that was apparent there on the last lap. Two different couples side by side almost and one steps out and gets rooted off the dance floor while the other goes on to win only because they were committed to each other on the finish. Dancing around now wont make the grade. You have other thoughts?? Then lets hear them ----------!!!

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
David Elrod
14 years ago
12 posts

That was some of the worst racing that I have ever witnessed. As a former racer myself it seems to me that depending on another racer for the entire race is really not racing at all. I hope Nascar changes this style of racing. I understand what they were trying to do. Seperation of the pack is a good thing. But not at the expense where one car can't do anything on it's own

David Elrod.